Profile For Chad D.

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Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Does my friend need a class A cdl or any cdl?

So if his trailers GVWR is at 10k and he is using a non CDL straight truck he is fine? but if its at 14k he needs a CDL? Is it true that he needs one if he starts hauling for profit for other people with the same setup?

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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California...Driving experience..recent CDL

Here in WI ALOT of new CDL drivers fresh outta school find work with companies like pepsi or coke etc doing delivery routes... its not exactly a straight driving job but it does give driving experience for future employers. few of my friends from my class just started working for scrap recycling companies "older equip and hauling junk so less worried about experienced drivers, pay less"

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Does my friend need a class A cdl or any cdl?

so I got my class A cdl and getting my first rig and my friend had a question for me that I cannot answer. He has NOT gotten pulled over yet and has been told different answers by different people... none of whom are DOT officials or even police like I suggested to ask... I assume so he doesn't call attention to himself if he is in the wrong. He has NO cdl whatsoever, he rents 26' box trucks from Penske or Ryder "i think ryder" which are under 26,000lb and therefore no cdl is needed to rent or drive.... but he pulls a 28' enclosed trailer behind this truck also. now the truck is loaded with appx 3k in weight and the trailer is RATED to haul either 10k or 14k and it hauls appx 4k in cargo weight "empty I believe it weighs around 3800k".

26' 26,000lb GVWR non cdl truck carrying 3,000lbs of cargo and towing a 28' 10,000lb GVWR trailer carrying 4,000lbs of cargo

so here is what we have heard from truckers and other random somewhat wannabe knowledgeable people. 1) since this setup hauls for profit "even tho all cargo is owned by my friend he is still selling it for profit" and since he does cross state lines loaded he must have a class A cdl for combination vehicles.

2) even though the truck is registered under the cdl limit since the trailer he is hauling is registered with a GVW rating of 10k or more this automatically makes him fall into needing a class A cdl whether the actual GVW of the trailer loaded does not reach 10k. this person also stated that if he got a smaller trailer with a GVW rating UNDER 10k that then he would be fine and not need a CDL

3) another person says it depends on the length of the setup and the GVW rating of BOTH pieces of equipment combined... but could not explain further,

So does anyone have input on here that I can relay to him? does he need a CDL at all? YES he hauls for HIS OWN COMPANY and owns all cargo he is hauling YES he does sell this cargo for profit NO he does not carry any other cargo for other people or as a service "all is his own" NO he does NOT meet or exceed either the truck or trailers GVW rating, it is far below by thousands of pounds for each

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