Dallas, TX
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Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Do you think Werner will fire me?
A lot of you guys did act a bit safety nazi like. I have done the same thing myself pretty much back when I was with cre. Had been out on the road for four months without a single day home so even though I knew it was against the rules I did not really care. Just do not get caught.
Chance the consequences sometimes, know what I mean? Whatever happens will happen.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Just pulled over for the night in south Dallas right now and it is about 85 degrees outside. Why would you want to sweat? Sure would not be able to sleep at all in that. Truck is going to be idling all night long.
Friend of mine idles no matter what the temperature is outside. Says he needs the rumbling of the truck to get him to sleep.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Which companies have driver facing cameras?
C.R. ENGLAND does not that I know of.
Conway does, I heard.
I drove six months for CR England and every truck I was in had two way facing cameras. They even have training videos of their own drivers with those cameras capturing them a few seconds before and after serious accidents.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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I've got this whole state to myself!
TT big brother is watching you
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Summer is coming upon us. Do you really want to be drenched in sweat for five hours at each stop? It gets hotter and hotter the farther back into the trailer you go, far hotter than the outside temperature even.
I would not do that account again even for twice as much money as what you are being offered. No exaggeration.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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You guys got real sensitive elogs there. At jbhunt we can drive around at any speed up to two miles before we get automatically changed over to driving. I always go to sleeper or off duty when at a shipper or receiver for any good amount of time.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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A rookie truck driver's first week
You had to back out after fueling? Never had to deal with a place like that before.
No the scale was where you would swing out to turn into the pumps. You can't swing out wide enough to get in the stalls straight. There was only two pumps that were accessible for semis because of where the scale is. I was able to pull forward out of the pumps but it was super close on the right side.
If you were able to pull forward though, what was stopping you from fueling up the reefer?
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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A rookie truck driver's first week
You had to back out after fueling? Never had to deal with a place like that before.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Werner denied employment due to medications prescribed.
Is there no way you could just stop taking them? That would solve a lot of problems and should make you feel a lot better.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Do you think Werner will fire me?
Be afraid, me having someone riding in the truck is is going to kiss us all!