Profile For Lyle R., no handle just yet.

Lyle R., no handle just yet. 's Info

  • Location:
    Isleton, CA

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 10 months ago

Lyle R., no handle just yet. 's Bio

I have recently completed a private truck driving school in Stockton, Ca and have taken my dmv road test and got my CDL and i most recently taken all my endorsement exams so now I am at the time to find a good company to work for. Where i can get good training and good trainer that will break me in and prepare me to go solo. I have spent a lot of my life on the road now I want to get paid and give my best to whom ever i go to work for.

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Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Offset backing!!!

The way i learned to straight line back is to look in my mirrors obviously but I would watch my tractor tires and my trailer tires and when they are in line with each other your going straight so as long as you are in the box with room on both sides it should be a piece of cake.

I am having problems with this too. Even my straight-line. I have it and then bam! I am encroaching. I have learned to stop before I encroach, but sometimes it is just infuriating to go too far left or right. I am actually better with the 90 degree, but still I struggle. I have 1 more week before I take my test. I will do great then I suck. I understand the concept, but can't always do it. I just have to be positive. Good Luck!

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