Dover, TN
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Tour driver for On Tour Logistics running out of Nashville, TN currently preparing to go driving for the Thomas Rhett 2017 tour.
I have driven for:
The Smashing Pumpkins (x2), Marilyn Manson, Ricardo Arjona (x2), Juan Gabriel (RIP), Florence and the Machine (x2), Drake, Pitbull And too many one offs to remember.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Introducing "The Road Home": TruckingTruth's New Podcast!
Hey Rolling Thunder!
I actually thought about you today. I saw an Averitt truck, and my mind just sort of automatically went, "Hmmm, I wonder what Rolling Thunder is up to?" Then here you appear... great to hear from ya!
Howdy Old School! I'm still out here living the dream and wondering when they're going to find out I have no idea what I'm doing... Haha.
Great to hear from you too!
I'm gonna try to get on here more now that I've gained enough knowledge to "slow" this gig down some. Looking forward to reconnecting with everyone and meeting some new ones.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Introducing "The Road Home": TruckingTruth's New Podcast!
Long time no post for me. Been crazy busy. Anyway, just listened to the podcast and it is great. I shared it on F-book for my son (thinking about jumping in a truck) and maybe get non-drivers to listen to for knowledge of the industry.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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South Jersey to Long Island trip planning help
Hey Big Country, First, I would always give myself at least 2 hrs for loading/unloading and tarping. If you have never been there then I would add 2 more hours (4 total) to compensate for whatever. So, if you burn over 7 hrs (including driving) then you still have the driving hours with about 7 remaining on the 14. How far can you get in 7 hrs?
That is how I plan my next move. Always have a first choice and a back up location in mind just in case. Planning ahead will save your butt and make your driving life easier.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Your level of nerves is all your own. Embrace the challenge and attack with your eyes wide open. The road will challenge you in ways you have never thought of. Always, every day, learn and improve. Be willing to be taught. Be willing to teach. The most important thing is, know why you are a trucker. Have an out and work towards it.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Do you get to watch the shows..should be some kind of perks but I guess not for truckers...
It's not all doom and gloom as a truck driver. Yes, we see the shows, but, we also have to be ready to load out and roll after the show. We are literally the night drivers. When trucks are rolling out of the truck stops in the morning, we are rolling in praying there are enough empty spaces so we can just park and sleep. Then off to the next show.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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That's awesome.. Did you get to meet them??
Nope. We did (our part of) load in yesterday and they go on Saturday night. There is no meet and greet for tour drivers.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Yes. Sir. I am in for several copies to distribute around my OTL family.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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It`s been a while. I just wanted to drop in and say hello to the drivers on this forum who helped me get where I am now. I am parked in San Francisco near AT&T Park until load out Saturday night. Metallica y`all. A dream come true for me. I am working on three years in and loving it. Thank you all so much for giving me a solid foundation to grow from. Brett, thank you. Old School, thank you... Um... The guy from England, Arkansas, thank you. Thanks to everyone who kept it positive.
Newbs : Listen to what the veteran drivers say and apply the lessons to your current situation. Practice Practice Practice. Learn to drive by the seat of your pants. NEVER give up.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Seeing your trailer at night!?
I have my mirrors adjusted to where I can see the tandems at all times. The big mirrors are good for slight turns and the spot(?) mirrors for the tighter ones. Our trailers have red lights on the corners also. Just remember to take it as wide as you need to and don't forget the truck has a front end too.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Company Lies
Averitt Express offers profit sharing and a driver is 100% vested after only 6yrs. They also have pretty good health, dental, vision and life insurance at a decent cost (I am single and I pay about $40 a wk for all).
After being with them for 3.5 yrs, I am making .44cpm (when pulling freight). My regular "job" with them pays a weekly salary that starts at about $1,200 a week.
The only time I was in an "old" truck is when I first started and that was for 7 months I believe. Nothing but new after that.
We have apu's and inverters provided. I have a Haier fridge I bought from Walmart, a t.v., a coffee pot and a microwave plugged into it and it has not failed me yet.
My FM is awesome and I have a top notch support staff at corporate headquarters.
My point is, the good companies are out here. You just have to find them and work yourself into the top tier of their drivers. It can be done... Trust me.