Profile For Edgar W.

Edgar W.'s Info

  • Location:
    Fort worth, TX

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 10 months ago

Edgar W.'s Bio

Born and raised in Fort Worth tx, was in construction for 35 yrs and just tired of it. I've always liked driving so I thought I would give it a try. So far I love it just need to earn more.

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Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Pam/Driver solutions Contract

At pam you have to do 6 months of team driving, it may not be all at the same time but you are supposed to do 6 months in the first year. The best way to get a teammate is to try and get with someone during your week of orientation that you get along with and seems to do pretty good during the training at orientation, then request to be teamed up with that person. And also alot of those so called trainers only have about 6 months experience themselves. AND if for some reason you don't do six months of team in the first year then you don't have to team anymore. But when you first start driving it's a big help sometimes to have a teammate, they can help with backing, route planning and a second set of eyes. Good luck to you.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Pick Your Nightmare 1, 2, 3, or 4


Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Company info

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows anything about frymiller or core carriers. All the recruiters say the right things but how true it is I don't know. Thanks for any info you can give.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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I'm pretty sure frieght is slow but..

Ok so my last load was 1800 miles and I was to relay it here in the south Chicago area because it didn't deliver till the 11th and "were not going to sit on it that long" so the load I get a load today for 35 miles... in the low bridge capitol. Not sure what I should do at this point. I'm a team driver so the thought of risking my license for $4.55 before taxes is abit ludicrous. I realize this load has to be delivered at some point but I'm not really seeing the risk vs rewards balanced in the right direction. How would others handle this?

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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New job search

Thanks for your help, I'll try calling the shippers and consignees and see if that helps. I will get a one cpm raise at 1 year. Drivers I've talked to that have been here for awhile are only making 36cpm and they have been here over 5 yrs. So I will probly be moving on anyway. US express said they would start me at 36 and after 3 months of safe driving at my yr mark would raise it to 40cpm. So I'm thinking about that at the end of the month. But until then I will take your advice and see how it goes. Thanks again and I'll try and keep you updated

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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New job search

I will get 2600 miles one week, 1800 the next and then a couple at at 1300 to 1500. I ask for more miles and my Dm just says it's slow. I seem to get a new Dm every month. It's would be a little better if they paid more than 29cpm. I try to pick up and deliver early but my Dm tells me I can't do that. They don't pay detention or charge it to the companies so it seems that the companies don't get in any rush. I sat 24 hrs last week to get unloaded for free. I'm trying to get it all figured out but my Dm don't seem to be much help. Thanks for your help, I will listen to any advice that will help.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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New job search

Hi everyone, iv been driving for pam transport, went to c1 training and started for pam 9 months ago. I like the company and their equipment. But I don't like the pay or miles I get, I guess a good starter company. Needless to say I can't stay here any longer, I'm about to lose everything. Anyway I'm looking at other companies to work for and have 3. I'm thinking about. So I'm wondering if anyone out there knows anything about these 3 companys. US express, Arnold transport or frymiller. Thy all talk good but I'm sure they will. I read reviews and it seems everybody hates everything. I know it mainly depends on me but I could use any info anybody has, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and I'll keep yall updated on where I end up and how it goes. Thanks again

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