Wise, VA
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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The thoughts from a 75 yr old retired driver of 45 yrs OTR
Same thing with me my father in law drove for over 30 years and he said almost the same thing to me. Lol
Now my momma always did say I was part gypsy... In the fact that I can't stay in one place to long, guess she was right have thought about driving off and on my whole life never would because of the family. I worked in a factory for 15 years then went to work in state government for 15 years.
Now that my daughter is grown and has a family of her own, and me at 50 years old I'm gonna do what I want to do for me. The woman in my life supports me 110% she has even said that she would take off work from time to time and ride with me.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Tractor Man right now I don't have anything... LOL. Hopefully by the end of the week, but I haven't seen any new FB tractors here at Greer unless they are gonna bus me there to pick it up. But I know I am ready to hit the road...
CT I think a lot of more of them are in the west, Phoenix and Loredo are big FB terminals Greer SC is kinda small compared to them, but I think may be the only FB terminal in the east. Yes you are correct my friend FB is definitely no joke and being a rookie to to boot is just gonna make it that much tougher. Take my time and pay attention.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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May I ask who you drive for? Just curious. I'm also flatbed
CT I'm with Swift.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Haven't been on here for awhile, so here's an update as to what's been going on. Came off my mentors truck July 26th went home to attend my daughters wedding.
Came back to Greer SC yesterday and tested out this morning passed everything and ready for upgrade.
Flatbed securement class the rest of this week and if everything goes well I should get my truck assignment, and be solo by the weekend...
Almost there.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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I will be testing out in Greer on August 8th. I have some things at home that need my attention at once. Then my daughters wedding next week. And they said that since my home terminal is Greer and I will be in flatbed training there on the 8th they would just test me out there.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Upgrading tomorrow in Decatur GA.
For those that went before me what can I expect on the tests?
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Fourth Time is a Charm
Congrats!!! And Good Luck!