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Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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DOT Drug Testing: Urinalysis or Hair Follicle?
Hey folks, got a question here. I applied for a dock worker position years ago and had a urine test come back inconclusive, they had me take it again and I'm assuming it was inconclusive again but they rejected my employment shortly after and I never heard why. Present day I'm considering leaving my current job and getting my cdl so I can start driving but I'm worried I might be black listed by the dot or something. What do you guys think? Do you know if there is a way to find out if you're barred from employment? Did I "fail" or was the company required to tell me I failed? I'd hate to quit my job and find out I can't drive a truck...
Thanks in advance
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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DOT Drug Testing: Urinalysis or Hair Follicle?
Thanks for the reply! It was so long ago Im worried maybe they sent something and I never read it. I do remember getting an email from the company denying me the position but if a lab sent me something after that its possible I may have ignored it. At any rate, I requested a copy of my DAC report to be sure. I read a lot online that if you fail while employed you need to see a SAP. If you fail a pre-screen test do you need to see one? And are you never gonna get your cdl and a job if you failed