Profile For Samuel P.

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Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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I cannot do a hair follicle test. What companies should I apply to?

Sorry if that came off as offensive, Brett - I think your website is truly a fantastic resource, certainly the best I've come across on trucking. Seriously, I commend you for this authoritative site!

According to the placement officer at my school, he is quite convinced that only three companies he knows of can safely be claimed as urinalysis-only:

1. PTL 2. Covenant Transport 3. US Express

That's it. Hopefully it's not really this bad...but he did say that many of the companies listed as urinalysis-only are in fact now doing hair-follicle. Just about everyone seems to be going to it.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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I cannot do a hair follicle test. What companies should I apply to?

Let me begin by stating that I am a responsible, hard-working family man. And yes - I was an occasional (and I do mean occasional) marijuana user, something I have abstained from now for several months. I have decided to pursue a career in this industry and gave it up. I am perfectly content with that choice.

I'm near the end of my CDL training and doing well. My driving history is solid and I have good work experience, too. My question is this: what companies do you personally know - for a FACT! - only urinalysis-test, but do not hair follicle-test? (As of late April, 2016.) I am aware of the article on this website that addresses that very issue, but it is sorely in need of updating. My placement person says a lot of the companies listed as "urinalysis only" have in fact moved on to hair follicle, too. If you reliably know of any who are still urine test only, please let me know who. Thank you!!

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