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Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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And yet the catch 22 remains for snowed-on drivers who aren't near a trailer scraper...
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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I haven't found the relevant regs yet but i've read a lot of truckers claim that OSHA regs forbid drivers from manually clearing off thier trailers without safety harness equipment. Probably another catch 22 that leaves the trucker stranded in reality.
Sure some veterans can chime in on OSHA.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Gladhand wrote:
If you are getting complacent or lazy, use me as an example to not be.
I understand why you said that, but I never viewed you as lazy, that's too damning. Maybe complacent, okay, but I guess part of the learning curve is realizing you can't be complacent for a second, ever. I've been following your journey from almost the start, and seeing a lot of myself in you, I've found your progress, drive and accomplishments very inspirational so far.
Every time you posted about a misstep, or losing heart briefly, my own worry would ratchet a notch! And every time you rallied, it inspired me again to know that I'll be able to do this job too. And you will; you clearly have all the right ingredients. You'll rally again and keep pushing forward, and you'll simmer into a very fine driver for as long as you want to follow that path.
Keep sharing your stories and thoughts! I can't wait to share the road with those of your ilk!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Lessons a Rookie learned in Maine....
Just out of curiosity, is there anything to actually stop you getting on top of a trailer and getting the snow off yourself (aside from safety and common sense)? Assuming you can even manage to climb up there...
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I might be done with truck driving
Hehe, that's a good tip, i'll try that. Thanks for your input Errol and Brett, much appreciated. I'm a bit nervous now but I know i'll own it and be mindful of doing it right once I get started. This place has been inspiring.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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7 months! That's very impressive. Congratulations. I hope your family/friends still recognize the bad a$$ you've become!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I might be done with truck driving
From Rainy:
I used to get so frustrated cause GOAL didn't help.me. I could see where the trailer needed to go, but how to get it there was beyond me.
Honestly this is one of my worries. GOAL will let me see where everything is, but it's a static view. I worry the GOAL won't help me figure out what I have to do with my maneuver because not seeing the trailer IN MOTION won't help me understand the overall curve it's actually taking. But I guess i'll just have to practice and get better like everyone else!
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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That I-80 video that was posted from Wyoming really shook me up.
As someone going to CDL school soon, I admit the same video/s shook me up a bit as well. I can think that i'll be a safe driver; maintaining a safe following distance and proper speed given conditions when i'm out on the road, and say to myself that something like this won't happen to me...
The thing that shook me though, is the fact that EVEN IF I was one of the safe drivers who safely stopped in time and did everything right, I could still end-up minced because of any number of drivers behind me who might not be being so careful, as evidenced in those WY I-80 accidents.
I just try not to think about that too much, heh.
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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I remember reading about you curbing and failing your first test. Glad to hear you got it nailed though. Congratulations!
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Example of a really annoying week.
Reading your original post made my head spin. I hope timekeeping when you're in a truck is easier than when you're just reading about it.