Hermiston, OR
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Household Engineer breaks into Over the road trucking who'da thunk it?!
The only thing keeping me from swift is that I heard that I cant take my doxie with me eventually.. She is sort of my life line..
Well, I would accept that video as a resume, but, sadly, I'm not hiring people right now.
You will have to take your work experience up with each company. All companies will basically hire from areas they have traffic going through, not just near their terminals. (But being near a terminal yourself is great. I'm 30 minutes from Swift's Memphis terminal.)
When you're ready, use this app: Apply For Truck Driving Jobs. It shoots your application to "all" the companies. Those that call you back could hire you, and you have that rare opportunity of turning down offers!
Hint: an independent recruiter contacted me and helped my get to Swift. Nice thing about an independent is they don't get paid (by the company) until you get hired - they work for you!
I'll post my recruiter's contact info if you want to talk to him directly.
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Household Engineer breaks into Over the road trucking who'da thunk it?!
The only thing keeping me from swift is that I heard that I cant take my doxie with me eventually.. She is sort of my life line..
Well, I would accept that video as a resume, but, sadly, I'm not hiring people right now.
You will have to take your work experience up with each company. All companies will basically hire from areas they have traffic going through, not just near their terminals. (But being near a terminal yourself is great. I'm 30 minutes from Swift's Memphis terminal.)
When you're ready, use this app: Apply For Truck Driving Jobs. It shoots your application to "all" the companies. Those that call you back could hire you, and you have that rare opportunity of turning down offers!
Hint: an independent recruiter contacted me and helped my get to Swift. Nice thing about an independent is they don't get paid (by the company) until you get hired - they work for you!
I'll post my recruiter's contact info if you want to talk to him directly.
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Household Engineer breaks into Over the road trucking who'da thunk it?!
I think this is a time they should take your word for it.
Show them this ad from Teleflora for Mother's Day:
That is one amazing video!! I just would hope that places such as Prime, Knight or Jim Palmer would accept that as references? I have people willing to write letters on my behalf. Where should I start? Who should I apply with? I live in Eastern Oregon
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Household Engineer breaks into Over the road trucking who'da thunk it?!
Howdy Howdy! First of all I want to commend each and every one of you out on the road for all that you go through and provide to us Americans! For the Past probably ten or more years I have been the mom who takes care of it all.. The driving, the laundry, paying the bills and so much more that I forgot about my wants and desires.. I also grew up around trucks! Infact I think I may have been born in one LOL.. Back in Elementary school my Dad's Peterbilt was the coolest show and tell in all of Idaho. I have often been a tag a long during summer months and Christmas vacations.. but that was so many moons ago but a girl never forgets!
That being said Here I am almost 43 Kids all grown up and nothing to do but be bored all day long and research trucking companies. I am so ready to take that plunge.. I went and got my permit a few months ago not knowing where I would go.. but here the dilemma arises.. I don't have a work history to report much of there were a few jobs I tried but the family dynamic wouldn't allow for it. So when they require 3 years or even 10 years what do I say? what do I write? How is it verified? anyone in a similar situation? How did you resolve it? What companies were ok with it? I live in Oregon please advise and please keep trucking I admire each one of you!!
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Iim 50 i dont look 50 i want to drive do any companys provide child care during training
I have had this dream of going OTR since I can rememeber.. I once had small children and often thought about it but I chose to do the smart thing and wait until they were adults. I do realize that I do not know your situation and everyone comes from different backgrounds but if your children are small I would really sit down and think about this before agreeing to anything of the kind. Trucking companies are not going to care if you have no child care. At any rate I wish you luck!
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Household Engineer breaks into Over the road trucking who'da thunk it?!
I assumed as much on the deposit which we are ok with. Kind of used to it..