Las Vegas , NV
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Hey everyone, I been snooping around the website for about a month and now I'm ready to introduce myself! I'm 26 years old, I reside in Las Vegas NV and I'm currently attending AIT's 24 week program (I started 5/2) I was attending a mom and pops school by the name of AGS (even though it was a mistake, I did attain my CDL permeant with tankers in 3 days) for about a month, I left because sarge (the owner) he's literately a one man show, hes running the school on his own with 1 truck, no backing rang, and 10 students, more than half of those students been there since last August! So I jumped ship and enrolled at AIT. I do have a concern with AIT's program legnth. I'm wondering why is this program so long, it's broken down to 10 weeks class, 8 weeks behind the wheel and 6 weeks paid externship. Is the length of the program unheard of? And would employers rather pick me than vs a student that came out of a 4 week program?
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Male trainees requesting female trainers
Months later this has become a hot topic
And yes, I have seen men use women's restrooms before because they feel more comfortable there. There was a huge debate about that issue when Global fitness allowed a man to use the women's changing room because he felt more comfortable. Since he identified as female the company felt that it was appropriate. A lot of women were ****ed and when they confronted Global fitness on it they were told that no one would force them to stay at Global fitness and they were welcome to seek membership at gyms that did not respect a persons right to choose.
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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What's up!?
Thanks for the reply, I highly appreciate it and will take everything you into consideration and weigh out my options. I do have one pre hire from Carolina Cargo which ima use them as a safety net just incase Navajo express and Western express don't have the resources to hire me once I finish schooling. If I had a choose based on all the information I have gathered, I'll more than likely go with Western express flatbed division.