Profile For FloridaBuckeye

FloridaBuckeye's Info

  • Location:
    Osprey, FL

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 10 months ago

FloridaBuckeye's Bio

I grew up the youngest of 3 brothers who were the sons of a Riverboat Captain and Medical Staff Secretary in southeastern Ohio. I attended The Ohio State University and Bradford Business School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

27 years ago my childhood sweetheart and I moved to Sarasota, Florida. We have been blessed with an 18 year old Son who is attending The Ohio State University this fall to pursue a degree in Physics. Plus a 16 year old Daughter, determined to pursue a career working with animals, and who attends the Sarasota Military Academy.

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Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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Crete carrier and shaffer trucking

Darren R. I've talked to drivers and others about Crete/Shaffer and have gotten nothing but positive comments. I start orientation with Shaffer the 29th in Tennessee.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Half Baked

I'm half way done with school and I've been very happy with my choice of J-Tech in Jacksonville, FL for anyone who might consider them.

It's incredible to think that I didn't know a d*mn thing when I started, and just how far schools bring you in such a short period of time. I now know more about a tractor and trailer then I knew there was to even know about a tractor and trailer.

I've had an excellent instructor, and keeping it simple with repetition has been what's helped me the most. When someone else is doing a pre trip, I'm paying attention and going over it in my mind too. When someone else is driving and shifting, I'm going thru it in my head. When someone else is backing, I'm watching and mentally going thru it in my head too. When someone else is driving, I'm mentally staying high in the turn and looking before-during-after in the intersection. When someone else is shifting, I'm thinking about where to go to get that next gear, etc.

I've used empty water bottles under each foot with a spatula to practice my shifting at night. It's crazy how muscle memory doesn't allow you to double clutch or not deep clutch. :)

If I only thought about each thing while I was actually doing it, it would be so much harder to process all the info that all new drivers need to learn.

I sure don't do everything as good as I need to yet, but we've been taught how to pre trip, straight back, off set, parallel, 90, drive, and shift. And I have done all of them successfully...sometimes, on some days! :)

For anyone going into school, don't wait until you're up and it's your turn to practice it. Practice it every time someone else does it too. It will make a big difference for you, I promise. And as hard as it is when trying to learn something new, don't get frustrated. It will only make it harder to learn it.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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My experience so far in truck driver training

Congrats Jerry Q!


It has to feel great to have your CDL! I got 2 more weeks of school myself, then hope to be joining the club.

Really man, it has to be such a feeling of accomplishment. Congratulations!!!

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Tesla Plans For New Semi

I'm with Heavy C. One of the goals I set for myself getting into this profession is to someday drive a Nikola. I hope the company I go with has preordered some to try out, and that I have earned the chance to be one of the drivers who gets to be their Guinea pig. :)

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Use this site before going to school!

I'm at jtech in Jacksonville, Florida.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Use this site before going to school!

You hear it in here a lot, but you gotta do the The High Road™ Online CDL Training Program before you go to school. Even get your permit if you can. It does make all the difference in the world.

One more day and I'll have my first week over. That first week is a ton of info coming at you and using The High Road™ Online CDL Training Program reduces your stress level a bunch. You can absorb soooo much more because you already have that foundation. And there is a lot to absorb. The more I learn, the happier I am that I made the choice to get into this industry.

Don't start school without using the tools you have right here at your fingertips.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Happy Birthday Rainy D.

Get another spa treatment today!

It's on Brett. rofl-2.gifrofl-2.gif

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Tractor Mans Tractor Assignment

Hoorah Tractor Man!

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?

I grew up the youngest of 3 brothers who were sons of a Riverboat Captain and Medical Staff Secretary in southeastern Ohio. I attended The Ohio State University and Bradford Business School (retail management) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am 57 years old.

While up north, I was a Deputy Director for The Ohio Attorney General’s Office, a Broker for a financial planning firm named Steinhaus Financial Group, and an Assistant Buyer for Kaufmann’s Department Store. I also helped Kaufmann’s open a new store there in the Ohio Valley.

27 years ago my childhood sweetheart and I moved to Sarasota, Florida. We have been blessed with 2 great kids. An 18 year old Son who is attending The Ohio State University this fall to pursue a degree in Physics. Plus a 16 year old Daughter who is determined to pursue a career working with animals. She will be a junior this year attending the Sarasota Military Academy as did my Son.

My first job in Sarasota was as a Supervisor for the Sarasota County Tax Collector’s Office (DMV). I then started and successfully managed the growth of a high-end new construction painting company (a lot of big houses here) named Apple Painting. I also acted as my own general contractor and built the home we have lived in since 1992.

My Wife and I had a heck of a time having kids. Many disappointments which culminated in a tragedy that was my Wife delivering 2 identical twin boys dead at 26 weeks, on Mother’s Day! But as is usually the case in life, what we see as a tragedy at the time often turns into being a blessing in the fullness of time. My Son was born a year later.

A few years after our Son was born I was fortunate enough to be approached by a developer who wanted to purchase 2 acres of land I owned as part of a development for a Walmart in Osprey. Plus another developer who wanted to purchase an old piece-of-crap condo in downtown Sarasota for a project just north of a Ritz Carlton. Those two deals lead me to the hardest (but best) job I have ever had in my life.

I was able to be a full-time Dad to both of our kids for a handful of years. I could give my Family the time, energy, and attention they deserved. I also published a digital magazine in the Apple App Store called Siesta Key Florida Magazine for a few years during that time.

7 years ago I started a window cleaning business named Siesta Key Window Cleaning. This allowed me to again create something new to build, but continue to be family flexible. I could still be there to get everyone off to a good start in the mornings, plus be there when our kids got home from school. Since this business was seasonal, I could also be home with the kids over their summer breaks.

Although a parent’s job is never completely done, our kids are now at the age where I could explore unique opportunities where I could contribute in a meaningful way. I’m excited to be turning my focus on a new challenge that I believe will match-up well with my particular skill set and personality.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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No Driving school, but successfully tested & obtained Florida CDL Class A License - What are my options for jobs/companies?

Davor M.

I'm sure you realize that there are hardly any new drivers that have an uncle who owns a trucking company that they can drive OTR with for a year. Your words in old posts.

But you seem a little p*ssed or angry that no one is giving you credit for what you've been able to accomplish.

I'm glad you made it Davor M., and nobody is saying someone like you with a year of OTR experience (but no school) shouldn't be considered equal to everyone else.

You have had a hard path to get to where you are today, harder than most and deserving of being respected. But you gotta show respect to get respect.

And you were much more respectful when you were first in the forum than you are now. What's changed?

This is TRUCKING TRUTH after all.

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