Driving Status:
Rookie Team Driver
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Duke R. On The Web
I'm a Team Driver for Celadon. I've been driving for 6 months now and it has been a life changing experience. I was in the Marine corps from 98 to 02 (5811 MP) and after discharge I ran a Private Investigation firm until 2006 them went to Iraq as a PMC Private Military Contractor for TC and after losing My Best Friend Jason to a RPG that also crushed the side of my face and shattered my Teeth,Life,and Dreams. Coming Home I found it hard to adjust to life after 3 years at war and was Haunted and considered I may never feel right again. One experience there got me interested in Trucking and that was when running convoy security if a KBR Trucker was killed or wounded then one of us Mercs would need to get in the seat and drive and I really liked it. I got into Celadons Driving Academy after loads of research and it is the best decision of My life. The open Road and people I meet and My Team Driver Brad is a Vet ex EOD and it helps to have someone who understands the challenges a Veteran can face and We are the best of friends and anticipate and of the same opinion on most things. Trucking saved My life and I live life on the road mostly Nightmare and Guilt free and I drive in Honor of all those who didn't make it back.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Try Celadon it's worth it
I retrieved phone number from Prime website. no one ever answer the phone it always go to automated that tell me to apply on website. Well i did and still never a call back. I have Five year old DUI in personal veh. I have five years over the road, endorsements cancelled 2006. I now have permit - cdl, expires end of june.
Is there a number that i can talk to an actual human???????????
I just want to go to their school so I can get on the road. and make some money. Single, no wife to hurry home to. No pets, no children, no house note, just want to run run run and save save save. Thanks
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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What Constitutes "General Knowledge" for the CLP
The CLP test is the easy part then You have Pre Trip, backing,and Road test and the hits keep on coming training training training but if You want it and willing to listen and pay attention You will do fine Bill. Just don't go in there expecting it to be the same as driving class B it's more involved