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Considering A Career
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Hobbies are cars and military tech.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Sorry, I guess I didn't clarify. I understand the necessity of the regular Cb. CB talk will not give weather and traffic updates, but if you want to talk to a lot of people from all over the world and the US , you can do that. Its not meant to replace the Cb. It is a moderated push to talk app. They try to keep it clean and drama free and do not tolerate abusive or harrassing language. There are multiple groups or rooms to talk in. There is also a channel side where you can hold conversation without being heard by the rest of the users. It's a great app with friendly people. I came to the app because as a security guard in a building by myself, I got tired of listening to music and other things to keep awake. I needed to be able to engage in conversation. So I just figured I'd tell you about it in case you ever get bored like me and want to talk without threats , drama, and other nonsense.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Hey, don't know if I'm allowed to do this, but I'd like to recommend Midland Cb talk. I have heard and read about how there is a lot of trash that comes on a regular Cb to the point that a lot of drivers don't listen to the regular Cb unless there is a traffic jam. If your looking for a place to have a civil and friendly conversation with drivers and regular people, this app is great. They don't allow all the drama and abuse that other talk apps have. If you wanna come over, my handle on there is Crocodile. Come on over and talk!
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Hi and what ever hapoened with thw neurological exam???? that was you wasnt it? what came of it?
That's what I still have to get. We moved and I switched doctors. So I have to set it up with him. But I see him next month.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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It's funny, but over the last two weeks I have told two people who were looking into a trucking career or company switch to try consulting Trucking Truth. As soon as I hear anyone talk about trucking or which company or school to go with, I refer them to here. It's automatic . Thanks for being a source that I can refer my friends to. As an update, I will be trying to set up to get a medical test to see if they would qualify me to be a driver. Also, i have found the midland cb talk app and have talked to a few drivers on there for a different perspective on trucking. I realize now that I was being irrational in some previous posts. Guess I'm so used to a 8, 10, or 12 hour shift and being paid by the hour, it was hard to get my mind around anything different than that. But trucking has always been a dream of mine and I really believe I would hate myself if I woke up in my 90's and had never given it a try. Hey if an 80 something year old guy can do it, why can't I? I say that because I met someone who was and did.
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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If my company gave me a choice between freightliner, or international. I will take the international in a heartbeat. Ours has the Cummins x15. The ride is so much smoother. My company won't buy freightliners, either. I personally don't care if the international eventually becomes a money pit, because I don't have to pay for it. It is a great, smooth ride, and a very comfy home away from home. I hated every day that I was in the freightliner.
Great point! I'm glad I won't have to pay the maintenance cost on whatever truck I end up with, but the I really would rather be driving than sitting waiting for repairs. I know it's a part of the game though.
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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Im 6ft 320 lbs . I have heard that freightliners have a taller cab that's easier to stand up in. Also, though a company might maintain their equipment, if one model is more prone to breakdowns, that means the driver might be spending more time at the shop to have a maintained truck. But I have no experience and probably won't be able to pick which one I get so it's mostly a hypothetical question.
A company wont let that company driver sit long. having to.pay the driver breakdown pay plus losing money on the freight...it makes no business sense. once the truck demonstrates too many issues, the driver is switched to a new truck. so you are truly over thinking this.
For lease ops, its different and jist one more problem and risk of leasing.
Ok thanks. I typically do over think things.
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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Im 6ft 320 lbs . I have heard that freightliners have a taller cab that's easier to stand up in. Also, though a company might maintain their equipment, if one model is more prone to breakdowns, that means the driver might be spending more time at the shop to have a maintained truck. But I have no experience and probably won't be able to pick which one I get so it's mostly a hypothetical question.
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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Just out of curiosity, I would like to know what make and model of semi is the best in terms of comfort, controls, durability, and longevity. I was wandering around YouTube and heard a guy claim that freightliners breakdown more often than Pete's or is because their built with less sturdy construction . Not trying to start WW3 just wanting a general consensus. When I was working the truck gate, the Pete's and kws and occasionally a Volvo would catch my eye as an impressive looking truck but I'm not going for looks. The two companies I'm considering use Pete's, freightliners, and internationals.
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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I No Longer Want To Drive A Truck
Found Aaron P's training diary . On of 7 of 23 and it has been very insightful! Thanks for the suggestion! Makes me even more anxious to get started. Trying not to wish my life away in anticipation of January.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Cb alternative
Yeah, I've tried some of the zello groups and was not impressed. But hey, everyone has their own preferences. I just thought I'd let you all know about it in case you'd like to check it out.