cleburne, TX
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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been in the trucking buz for 45 years. from a driver to a safety dir., terminal manager to owning my own company with 84 trucks to just a owner /operator. I have been to the FMCSA school and I am very familiar with rules and regs. and the law. My purpose is to give back to the new and recent new driver. there's a lot of misinformation out there and if you don't know the right way you can get in trouble. I hope I can give back and make you a productive driver for the industry and your family.
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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As said before it seems that nobody likes the NYC area. When I was training I always got a load somewhere in the 5 boros to introduce my trainee to the NYC area. There's a lot of misinformation around about the NYC area. It's really pretty easy to get around. the number one thing is to stay off the parkways. they not made for trucks. but don't be afraid of NYC. the more you go the better you'll get. just take your time and relax, and you'll do fine. just remember it's just another city..
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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I'm on the road with my trainer tomorrow
Be sure he goes over how to count your truck. then axle weights and bridge laws. it's really easy if it's explain right and it will keep you out of trouble