Hampstead, NC
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Officials add sensor after ‘can opener’ bridge causes 107 crashes
WOW!!! That's a little scary. BUT the clearance is clearly marked. Hope the sensor works well.
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Future newb; Boy is there a lot to learn
Hello TT members. Brand new here. Great site!!! I've been doing quite a bit of research on trucking and company-owned schools and have found this forum to be a tremendous help. I drove flatbed about 25 years ago then got into construction, now looking to come back. It will be about a year as I have a commitment to an employer that will take me through next June. I've done a lot of studying lately. I already have a good grasp on HOS regs and can pass every CDL practice exam I can find. I ran paper logs so that should be an easy transition. I know how to drive a 10 speed and will have plenty of more practice with that on the job I'll be working.
It looks to me like Swift and Prime seem to be at the top of the pile as far as company schools go but I would like to hear more from people who have recently been through one of those or any company school.
I will be in Cuba working for the next year (without my family) so I will have plenty of time to read more and study so I will know everything I possibly can when the time comes. And I'll being scouring this forum for all the info I can get. Thanks in advance for any input.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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CR England vs Swift
Thanks for the replies. Going with Swift on Monday, I think I made the right choice. Maybe I'll do a training diary if I have time. It's a private school in North Carolina that Swift pays.