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Considering A Career
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Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Have orientation invite to prime.
Sort of unrelated, but what really is the only flaw I see with Prime is forced dispatch for company drivers. Want to choose my loads. Though I wouldn't wanna lease.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Employment history may be a dealbreaker for me - not sure if I should pursue trucking
Thanks, you all. I know I have a very steep hill to climb. I'm just wondering if I should even put forth the effort to climb that steep hill. I want to prove to someone that I can stick around for the long term. I want to prove to someone that I can and will be an asset and not a liability. I set ridiculously high standards for myself, some even higher than most others, even to the point of impossibility. That's just how determined I am. Just need someone to give me a chance.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Employment history may be a dealbreaker for me - not sure if I should pursue trucking
I'll just keep this one short and sweet. I still dream of being a truck driver. Though I'm having doubts if any trucking company will touch me with a 10-foot pole because of my employment history. If I'm going by three years, just this year alone I've been job hopping and am currently on my sixth and seventh jobs (working two jobs now). Will probably be making it eight. Jobs just didn't work out for one reason or another. Last year and the year before have been a bit more sustainable. A 10-year history is even worse - there was a stretch between 2008 and 2011 that work was hard to come by for me. Was giving it an effort, but no real luck other than getting terminated in 2009 and 2010 for poor job performance (but I gave it my all).
So with job hopping this year and the huge gap of unemployment in 2008-2011, companies may not give me a chance. They could ask why they should give me a chance, either with the thought that I'll be leaving shortly for greener pastures (which I won't with my first company) or if I'm going to perform poorly (which I will give it 110%). Could be a massive roadblock that I may not be able to get by.
Really that and a dropped felony charge back in 2008 that I got (was not convicted, didn't do a plea bargain, didn't go to court, nothing). But my MVR is clean, and I don't have any drugs or alcohol-related BS on my rap sheet as I don't even smoke cigarettes or don't even drink.
So should I keep truckin' on? (pun intended)
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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New Here - definitely interested in a career in trucking
Hey, a baseball bat and a stuffed animal. If it works, it works! I'll have to give it a try and see what happens. I have both items readily available now. Thanks, man!
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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New Here - definitely interested in a career in trucking
Hope bumping isn't frowned upon in this establishment. Though if anyone here had answers to some questions I've had, it'd be greatly appreciated. I must say that the High Road is really informative! I have a few ideas on how I can make use of it!
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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He/She's a beaut! What did you name him/her? And are you company or lease?
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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New Here - definitely interested in a career in trucking
Thanks, you all! That answered the three questions I had off the top of my head, but two more I have:
1. Assuming I do Prime, when I get my CDL permit and eventually my CDL license, will it be a Missouri license? I obviously don't live in Missouri, so exactly how does everything work as far as address go and all?
2. What would you guys recommend to practice double clutching? I have watched countless YouTube videos on the subject and I've tried the gold ol' imaginary shifter/clutch stuff. Doesn't seem like my left leg and my right arm want to co-exist, so I'm kinda having to do it slowly now. It'd be nice if I had something real to hold onto. Looking for any and all tips on that.
Also, if anyone else can offer further insight on my initial three questions, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks, yall, and keep on truckin'!
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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New Here - definitely interested in a career in trucking
Hello World! I have registered and lurked here on this great forum a few days ago (maybe a week or so ago), and it's time I posted. I'm just a guy in his early 30s from Tuscaloosa, Alabama (Roll Tide) looking to pursue a new career. I've been thinking about becoming a truck driver since September of last year and spilled the beans to my closest friends and family just last week, who all approved of it as long as I'm aware of what I'm getting myself into. And believe me, I'm pretty sure I do, but I've done a lot of research on my end. I'm aware of being away from home for weeks at a time. I'm aware of the intensive training that it takes to be a truck driver. I'm aware of needing to drive shine, rain, snow, sleet, ice, everything. I'm definitely aware that truck driving isn't all about driving a truck. I'm sure there are questions that I haven't thought about that need answers, but being the hugely analytical guy that I am, I'm sure I'll come up with some. I'm not the type of person who just jumps in head first. I want to KNOW for sure if this is going to be for me or not. I believe it is.
And just when I thought that pursuing a trucking career would need me to come up with a small fortune, my research has lead me to company-sponsored CDL programs. I had no idea those even existed, ones that will train you for little or no cost as long as you stick around for a predetermined amount of time. My research (I'm gonna say that a LOT) has been pointing me in the direction of Prime Inc. I really do like how they're set up and everything. I have a few questions about it, but I'm pretty much sold on Prime, but that doesn't mean I don't need to research other trucking companies (I've read reviews about Prime Inc and a few others right here on this site). At this point, company-sponsored is all I can afford, maybe until my immediate financial situation improves.
I am also going to get deeper into the High Road Training Program. I've only done two sections in my spare time and got 100%, though I have a long, long way to go. Now I know that it really isn't intended on replacing an actual CDL exam, but from what I've read about it, it's a great starting point to study and to learn about what's all needed.
I am going to set myself up for success. Watched a YouTube video from a Prime Driver (not sure if he is here on the forums), but he had a two-part series on setting yourself up to succeed. So before I take the next bus, train, or plane to CDL school, I wanna be hit with knowledge. I've watched numerous videos on pretrip inspections, backing, shifting (never driven a stick in my life), among many other things about trucks (and will watch them over and over and over again). I'm aware that videos cannot replicate what you have to do behind the steering wheel of an actual truck, but for me, just the knowledge will give me an advantage. I just have to know these things. I've also, during my lurking here on the forums, saw an extremely helpful thread on the pretrip, and that will come in handy. I would REALLY like to see an actual truck, though, because no two trucks are created equal. Actually, several trucks. It's gonna be tough to know just where all of the parts are.
With all of that being said, now I ask my questions:
1. I think what may hold me back is my employment history. For the better part of the last five years, I have worked at home as an independent contractor. It isn't really socially accepted, but it was money. It wasn't until early this year (2016) that I knew what being an employee feels like again. And out of all of the companies I've contracted for, I've had only one that gave me roughly three and a half years, though it was in two separate stints. The other ones either closed down or I couldn't quite meet up with their weekly metrics and had to prove myself, which I've failed at (but gave it my best shot). I have copies of my 1099s to prove everything, though. I've heard that with Prime at least, you need three years of verifiable employment history, though of course I wasn't an employee. Will that hinder me? Of course my criminal history is clean, and I'll pass a drug test with flying colors (I don't even smoke cigarettes, not a single puff IN MY LIFE, so what does that say?). I guess I should add that my driving record is clean (ZERO accidents), and I don't even drink alcoholic beverages (I haven't KNOWINGLY drank any alcoholic beverages IN MY LIFE, just maybe a few that I didn't know contained alcohol, but of course no DUIs or any of that). Just worried about that employment stuff. I ain't a job hopper by any means.
2. I know for Prime at least, you have to study the Missouri CDL manual. But I haven't really got a clear answer as to what exact parts of the manual I have to study. If someone can clear that part up, I'd greatly appreciate it.
3. About how much cash would I need to realistically save up for a company-sponsored program? I know the costs are low, though of course I know I'll still need some cash in the bank while I'm out studying for a new career.
I've used up much of the character limit in these forums now, but I'm glad I was able to present myself here. If anyone would like to shed some light as to what I've said as well as answer the three initial questions I've had, that would be awesome. Thank you all for reading, hope to join the trucking force real soon!
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Have orientation invite to prime.
Unless things have changed, I know of one big company that doesn't have forced dispatch. Won't mention it out of respect and to stay on topic here.