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Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Well how would tuition reimbursement work? Or is that kinda just absolute in my situation??
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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I know and i can't argue with anyone, everyone is making a very valid point on just keeping my contract with Pam. Any yes i should've done more research but when i first started looking into trucking i just looked at it like i was applying for another job and pam was the first to call me and take me on. Like i said the excitement got me all rowdy up so i didn't do any background search or anything i just wanted to become a trucker. I'm still very excited to began my new career in the trucking industry i just hate now i have a little stress over my head. Some are giving me the pros on teaming and many are giving me the cons...and as i do more background searches on each company it also seems the .17 is the lowest pay in the industry by far. Can you even survive and pay bills on .17 cent a mile? I don't want to forfeit my contract but at the same time i need to do whats best for me and my family.
Javon, you may have noticed everyone is getting up in your face about switching companies right out of a company's school.
I drove over 10 hours today. For some of that drive time I was cogitating on your first comments:
"Teaming" ... sounded good at first but as time went on i started to doubt the teaming with a random stranger whom I've never met ...
True, most people, me included, aren't excited about the team in a truck concept. I bet it was your excitement about a new chapter in your life, so everything about the training program was good.
As time went on, you began thinking about the lack of privacy, the "what if ..." worries, and that tiny space you'll both live in. And sharing a bunk?!? Talk about gross!
So by the time school was done, you had settled on the idea to split asap, and go with Stevens. And you have good arguments for changing your mind.
Now, here's the word you know is coming:
You agreed by signing a legal contract with PAM/DS, with payment arrangements. "I changed my mind." won't cut it with a judge.
The howls of "No! Don't do that!" you read here are from people who have a good idea how the system works. Everything that everybody does in business is done quid pro quo. (Lawyers love Latin. I don't know why.) That means literally "something for something."
So PAM/DS did their "something", and in return you are expected to join up with PAM and do your "something". Anything else is not in the contract, and that will put you in trouble.
I doubt if PAM will want to deal with payments - they're not a bank, so they'll have a collection company deal with you.
Want to see your credit score turn to dust? That will happen when the COLLECTION code goes in. Been there, done that.
Javon, if you're still following this topic, your best bet is to man up, stand behind your commitments and call PAM. They'd be glad to talk with you!
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Thanks Kent, i am going to pay back all the money...i just at least wanna be somewhere that i know I'd be happy and comfortable thats all. I know I'm a rookie but i do plan on staying at my first company for a while, I'm not one to job hop...so i am looking forward to calling Stevens homes.
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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I get what everybody is saying and i 100% agree i don't want to seem like a shady *******....i just CAN'T team drive....coming in i was excited (i still am) but when reality set in i dont wanna be paired up with a stranger. Someone who isn't as clean as I am, someone who i am totally opposite from, somebody who could be a shady dude...and I'd have to LIVE with a STRANGER for 6 months to a year??? No! I guess I'm not as open and friendly like some guys are. If i was promised a cool clean positive hard working type guy to run teams with then I'd be all on board but the risk of it being someone i may not even click with sorta bothers me and i rather stop the process before it even starts. At least with Stevens once I'm done with my trainer i am promised to roll solo...and solo sounds like a beautiful melody in my ears right about now
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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I get what your saying Errol but thats just a risk I'm willing to take. I'd be more then happy to pay them their money. And yes im very AWARE that any company that i choose to go to I'd be paired with a trainer thats not my concern, my concerns will be after I'm done with my trainer. I've read various of articles where drivers have had horrible experiences with teaming and like i said i work better alone. There is no way on gods green earth will i be able to sleep in a moving truck with another rookie, that won't be good for me, him and other drivers on the road. I'm more so concerned with my safety and wellbeing...
So you signed a contract with PAM. After you signed it, did you wad it up and throw it away? That's what you're doing by going to a different company now. Not a good practice. Try doing that when you rent an apartment or buy a car.
Like Chris said, team driving of some sort is in your future. And if you're worried about putting your life in someone else's hands, what about your (experienced) trainer who willingly puts his life in the hands of a brand new (inexperienced!) driver! But team work happens a week or so into the program.
Also, I doubt if your trainer will be constantly scratching his butt and wanting talk about the Steelers all the time.
The stories you may read are from the few people who both had bad experiences and decided to tell the world. The massive majority of students got their training, learned the finer points of trucking, and are happily solo now, without writing anything on a web site. There are several good team/ training diaries over in the training diaries side.
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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I'm perfectly fine with teaming with an experenced Trainee i just don't want to team with a rookie such as myself in the long haul....I'd trust an experience trainer over an rookie
No matter what you are going to have to team w a trainer for at least 4-6 weeks. W Stevens you have to log 10,000 miles and drive certain areas of country and mountains. After that you will team for a couple weeks a another trainee and then go solo.
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Hello so i pretty had some concerns as well as question. First off i am new to trucking and yes i initially signed a one year contract with Pam Transport for going through Drivers Solutions for my training, which i was all excited and just ready to start my new Career. Now i have Graduated school about a week ago and i have or had plans on going to Arkansas for orientation..but throughout my schooling process i couldn't seem to wrap my head around the whole "Teaming" ordeal. It all sounded good at first but as time went on i started to doubt the teaming with a random stranger whom I've never met (I'm sort of a loner and work best by myself). It's already hard for me to sleep in a moving car, how can i sleep in a moving semi with a stranger who i have to put my life in there hands....further more Stevens Transport has agreed to take me on and i know they start off as solo with more money per miles and they have also arranged for me to come to Dallas for their orientation and truth be told I'd love to take them up on their offer. I have no problem paying back Driver Solutions for my education (weekly installments of course). Can anybody give me any advice? Please and thank you!!
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Pam/Driver solutions Contract
I've never been a risk taker...maybe its my luck but it seems when i decide to step out on a limb it always bites me in the a$$...furthermore getting into the trucking industry was already a big scary risk I'm taking. I'm new to all of this and I'm thankful for this site because I've gotten to talk to road veterans and get alot of insite on what I'm up against. I think its safe to say I've made my mind up and I'm headed to Dallas as we speak to start my new career with Stevens Transport. I'm a nervous wreck right now and i don't know why lol. I really just have my fingers crossed and I'm hoping and praying for the best