Chillicothe, OH
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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I am a equipment mechanic for a equipment rental company.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Well, Tuesday March 6th is fast approaching. I am headed out to NTB trucking. I will have to do a road test,DOT Physical,and drug test. I am excited to get started. I will have 2 days of orientation and will come back home and go out with my trainer either on Sunday or Monday for five days. I will keep you up to date on how things are going.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Picking the right company to start with
Since you are in Virginia, Look at Lawrence companies in Roanoke. They take new students. Pay while in training increases every week. 2 weeks vacation in first year. I talked to a recruiter from their. Company is employee owned.They are dry van.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Yes their trucks are green. I have only seen one in the area were I live. I thank they have really nice equipment. I have see pics of their trailor's and of their tractor's on their website and they look real good. Their trucks are 10 speeds and have apu's.
Their main terminal is in Michigan and they also have drop yards up there also.
I am really excited to get started with them. I think they are a good fit for me and I am as well for them. I am going to put forth all my effort in this new career (lifestyle change).
I will post updates once I get into training.
Posted: 7 years ago
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I have been missing in action. Just wanted to give an update. I am set up to start with NTB on Tuesday March the 6th. I will have to do a road test,Dot physical and a drug test. This will happen at their Tipp City, Ohio Terminal. After I get through this on Tuesday am, I will drive a company car up to their main terminal in Grand Rapids Michigan. I will stay two nights and come back to Tipp City, Ohio on Thursday. I will leave out either on Sunday or Monday with my trainor. I will be out for five days and come home for the weekend and then do it all over again. Training lasts for 4 weeks. I just hope that I do well on my road test. I have been out of a truck since I tested out over 90 days. I will keep you up to date on how I am doing at NTB. I feel that NTB is a very good choice to kick off my trucking career with. It is all up to me to make it work. I will give up dates on how things are going.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Thanks Brett. Leaving my job is going to the hardest thing. I am a mechanic at a equipment rental company.I only live 6 miles from my job now.
I think working for NTB is going to be a good fit for me. I like the idea of 95% drop and hook. But if I got to wait on a load,thats okay too. I have a lot of patience. I am up for the challenge. I have always approached any job as to do it right,do it efficient and safely. I always say no room for failure.
I got to get my Hazemat and get my background checked through TSA.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Thanks for the awesome advice. Their was several things that stuck out,but one I remember is (common sense). That is one of the biggest things in todays society that is lacking.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Hi Trucking Truth. I have made a decision to start my driving career with NTB Transportation out of Grand Rapids Michigan. This has been a hard decision to make. There are so many good companies out their to start a career with. I have studied a lot of companies. I got my wife and daughter involved on helping me choose the one that best fits for me and my family. I feel we choose a good company.
I have already been prehired and invited to come work for them, with a phone interview. I just got to tell them a date that I want to start. I have a lot of mixed emotions,not so much about going to work for them just if I am making the right decision in this lifestyle/career change. I guess the biggest thing is leaving my job I am at now.I have been their for over 20 years.I have grown with this company,but it's just not cutting it any more.
A little about NTB. They are dry van. Their big customer is Meijer. They run 8 states.Great lakes region.Work 5 days and home 48hours plus. Avg. about 2200 to 2600 miles in that 5 days.Alot of night driving. Got to have hazemat endorsement.Truck does not come home on home time,park at a drop yard.
Orientation is in Lansing Mi.It is 2 days.Will drive their company car from Tipp City,Ohio. Will get drug test and dot physical and a road test done in Tipp City. I will drive my personal vehicle to Tipp city and back home,194 miles round trip,and they pay .38 cpm for doing this. I will come back from Lansing,Mi on Thursday.I will meet up with my trainor either on Sunday or Monday in Columbus,Ohio at the drop yard.Will go out for 5 days and come back on the trainers days off, 2 days. Then go back out.This is for 4 weeks.Then will test out. The truck is ran as a solo truck.No team driving. Pay while in training is $400.00. Once solo,start at.38cpm. Any miles over 2200 is paid an additional .05cpm.Will make an additional .03cpm for all miles driven on the weekend.I will work weekends for the first year. Also they pay tuition reimbursement of $4000.00 in your 1st year. Paid weekly. That is after you go solo.
They are 95%drop and hook,and 98% no touch freight. Trucks are manuals,have apu's and set at 65mph.
Well this is a little about NTB. Did not mean to make so long. Please feel free to comment,ask questions.I am going to be asking for help once I get started on this journey.I know it will not be easy,but I am up for the challenge. I want to be the go too guy. I like to stay busy,but also do it in a safe and common sense way. Thanks much for this great forum.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Going to become a rookie driver:
Hi Trucking Truth Members! My first post.
I have recently graduated from a truck driving school with 160 hours of training and all of my endorsements. I ended up with a GPA OF A 99. I did this on the weekends while holding down my regular job that I have been at for over 20 years.
I am still working at my regular job. I know that its going to be hard to leave after that long and get into a completely different career and a lifestyle. I can only imagine that this is like going into the military. But I have got to the point that I do not enjoy my job anymore.
I have looked into other jobs before looking into trucking, but I keep coming back to trucking. I have been researching the trucking industry for a couple of years. I know its a lifestyle change and my first year will not be easy. There will be ups and downs. I am in no way saying that I know it all. I learn something new everyday. I believe that I am a problem solver and I like a challenge. I always go about something that there is no room for failure period. I want to be a driver that the company can trust and call on when they need a job done. They will know that I will take care of their equipment just like it is mine.
I am looking into several companies. I am looking at dry van. I really would like to do flatbed. I like to work and be outside, but I do not think I can handle climbing up on a load and tarping it. Afraid of heights. Getting on the trailer would not be the problem, it's if I would need to climb up on top of the load. Maybe I am over thinking it. I have applied at several companies and I have got invited to come to orientation on the ones I applied too. I think I can do very well no matter where I go. I get along with people very well. I have worked with the public more than not. What ever company I decide to go with, I will represent them 110%. I do know that communication is one of the biggest factors in this industry.
I have rambled on enough for now. I will be asking questions along the way. I appreciate any and all advice.
Thanks for a great forum.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Approaching an expiring green light - coast or start braking?
Also look at the cross walk sign. If its counting down in seconds or if it shows walk.