Profile For Bryan H.

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Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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What's the minimum miles a team truck should run a week

It's been going on for about 2 months now it's crazy they do not run us at all

How long has this been going on? You're going to have a few slow weeks here and there. That's to be expected. But over the long run you're miles as a team should be averaging well over 5000 miles per week.

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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What's the minimum miles a team truck should run a week

Have been with Western Express for a year now and I have been training well long story short trained my best friend and I stopped training to team full time and we keep getting like alot of solo runs I keep telling my dm hey we need to run a min. Of 6000 wk and so far this week we've only barely gotten 2500 like what the crap my dispatcher keeps giving me the run around should I go to operations with my concern or try and get a whole new dispatcher????

Posted:  8 years ago

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Failed my DMV test again

Hang in there bud you will get just try and not let the instructor make you nervous and stay calm and take your time hey we all were not born knowing how to ride a bicycle keep trying you will get it just go slow and be patient and think and anticipate your next move good luck keep us updated. God bless

Failed my DMV test a second time today. Messed up on the driver's side parallel. It's freaking depressing, Most of my class passed week 4 attempt 1. Next week will be week 7 on attempt 3. I'm sure any other school or company would have kicked me out by now

Posted:  8 years ago

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Remember these trucks?

Man I love old school cabovers I've allways wanted to drive one I wonder why you don't see them anymore?


Posted:  8 years ago

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Dealing with other disgruntled drivers

So I had to be the bigger man the other night pulled into my fuel stop and was just going to park there were a good 8-10 spots left no big deal rifht? Wrong apperantlly there was another truck that didn't use g.o.a.l. and hit another drivers mirror trying to back in well I pulled in after the fact the cops were there dong there thing and the truck that hot the other guys mirror was sitting there and then there was another driver sitting behind him waiting for what I don't know because he could have drove around him like I did but didn't for what ever reason so I went around both of them and turned my hazard lights on and was about to back into a spot at the end of the lot when I look into my mirror I see this other driver running up to my truck so I rolled down my window to see what he wanted and he proceeded to tell me you need to wait your fffffiiiin turn blah blah blah and where I was sitting there was 2- 3 spots also he could have pulled in so I almost lost it on him but then took a deep breath and said you know what this guy ain't worth it went and got fuel and left I didn't even stay there which I was just gonna park for the night get up when my 10hr break was over get my fuel and continue on my way after that I said screw this turned around got fuel and left what a idiot.

Posted:  8 years ago

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Podcast: The Road Home - Do You Know Your Limits?

Yes yet another great podcast why didn't you start these a long time ago Brett????!!!!!!!

Yet another good Podcast, Sir.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Stupid 14 hour clock

Awesome sauce thanks to all of you very much for your helpful Post's

Bryan, I remember a quote from somewhere in my foggy memory that went something like this: "Time flies... But at least you are the pilot."

What I am trying to point out is that you have got to learn to manage it no matter what the shipper/receiver pulls on you.

I have to assume that you are just getting started at this, because that is a problem that most rookies run into.

There are several ways to deal with issues like this. One is to learn how to maximize your driving hours by understanding the split sleeper rules. Here's an example:

I used to often times go to a shipper in Connecticut that regularly took six hours to load me. I would do one of two things when I was going there.

1) I would sleep across the street in a vacant parking lot so that I could roll into their property when they opened the gate in the morning. That way I didn't even have my clock running while they were loading me. When they finally got finished I still had a full day ahead of me to roll.

2) If I couldn't work that out I would just show up and get myself on the sleeper berth line until they were finished. That way if I stayed there parked on their place for just two more hours my fourteen hour clock would be paused and I would have the same amount of time that I had when I first arrived there.

That second option is the split sleeper rule. You can learn all about it by working your way through the section for logs in our High Road Training Program.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Stupid 14 hour clock

I find it very much annoying to be @ a shipper or consignee and being on the good ole eobr or electronic logs you know you clock off duty and it ****es me off that you can't stop your 14 hour clock even when your sitting waiting to get loaded I.e. live load or your waiting to get unloaded and the shipper or consignee takes there sweet time and burns up your freaking clock reSulting in less miles you can drive there should be some kind of law that they HAVE a time frame to unload or load you and not waste all your time they have never drove a truck or do they understand the rules that us truckers have to follow.......

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