Gainesville, FL
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Experienced Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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School or pick a company? And how do I choose between company driver or owner operator?
Whenever C.R. England comes up like this, I like to point people to This Old Thread, just to give some perspective on the company.
And by the way, did anybody catch this intriguing little piece of information from our friend Brocephus? He kept making statements like this...
I did prove myself. I ran hard making deliveries on schedules that were extremely tight.I proved myself to this company and the logs back me up.
Here's another...
My hours of service are documented.
He complained about certain information not being documented on the Qualcomm from the company, but he didn't like it when they kept sending him this message on the Qualcomm...
No, I complained about being promised every weekend off on a regional route that was supposed to already be every other weekend off, but was not.
they sent me a lot of "you've been driving for too long" qualcom messages
Apparently he was violating the H.O.S. and didn't seem to care what potential effect that might have on the company's CSA score.
No, that wasn't an HOS violation. That was company safety warning about driving more than ten hours, which was usually necessary to make the appointment on time. I responded each time to these warnings about my trip plan and why I had to drive over ten hours each shift just to make the appt., which even then was still hard to make on time.
There's so much more to this story. It's funny though, you don't even have to read between the lines to figure this one out. He lays it all out and makes it abundantly clear why he struggled at this. It's an absurd tale of a person who can't see the log that's in their own eye, while very easily pointing out the splinter that's in their company's eye.
There is so much more to this story. Fortunately I'm blocked from telling my side of it.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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School or pick a company? And how do I choose between company driver or owner operator?
I don't do html formating, so I'm obviously at an advantage. But, I ran hard, like adrafinil hard, for a company that showed pretty much no interest in my personal concerns or questions as a "BRAND ****ING NEW" driver. Like, brand new, I have no idea about anything with this industry new. With a company advertising that they would teach me. Bait and switch. Yes, I got baited. If that bothers you, then yes, you should definitely go **** yourself for responding.
Am I delusional? No. What I was, is naive. I'm not failing at this industry. I'm not a ****ty driver, I like driving. I like driving safe. I like getting to a customer on time. I like being nice. I like being treated with respect. I like not being lied to. My personality isn't aggressive, I don't fall into one of the aggressive personality types. I'm a go along, get along kind of person. I'll push through a mountain to get to a destination if that's what the job requires. Now. Go **** yourself. Because your an assumptive ******* pretending to understand someone based on some ****ing gross generalization you've fabricated in your mind. And I happen to be the target of that generalization. So your not actually offering me career advice, your just ****ed that I don't fit your ****ing card board box version of ****ing reality. And I'll just keep driving, delivering loads on time and doing what I do best, ideally for a company that isn't ****ing paint by numbers/throwaway drivers.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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School or pick a company? And how do I choose between company driver or owner operator?
Brocephus, I just reread this thread and instantly remembered you. Things ended for you exactly the way all of us experienced drivers knew it would end for you - miserably. How else could it end? You're a miserable dude who just doesn't get it and doesn't listen.
They didn't end miserably. I put in my two week notice on my one year anniversary, was called (no documentation of course) and told how wrong it was that I was lied to about every other weekend off but "how about every weekend off"? I said sure. Because I'm honest and assume that most people are honest. Two weeks later, after it was clear that I wasn't going home for the weekend, again no qaulcomm response, but I did get another phone call offering "How about every weekend off?" I said "That's what the last guy told me." He said "Who told you that?" I qualcommed my dm if I was going home that weekend, surprise, no response. So I'm a ****ing idiot for doing my job, believing my employer, and getting upset when they treat me like ****? My hours of service are documented.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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School or pick a company? And how do I choose between company driver or owner operator?
if you stick in the butt naysaying brow beaters can't handle the truth then gfy's.
Brocephus with that parting shot, you probably just revealed the biggest reason you have struggled at trucking. You're a totally class-less fool who can't recognize honest help and advice when it's offered to you completely free with no expectation of even the smallest token of gratitude.
At least you did one thing right by resurrecting this old thread that caused you to quit our forum. You brought to the forefront a lot of great advice that you still don't comprehend.
Well thanks. I meant I quit it after I read about if I was asking for someone to hold my hand. I couldn't actually find a "quit" button so I just ignored this whole "if you don't agree with us your an idiot" forum. But after time and thought I felt like some kind of update was somehow necessary. Now please explain to me specifically how I am a classless fool. Because I actually am grateful for useful advice and will acknowledge when I get it.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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School or pick a company? And how do I choose between company driver or owner operator?
I should add that I had moved from OTR to a regional route that was "Home every other weekend". I only had 3 months to my 1 year anniversary, but thought that if I could get at least every other weekend off I could work on my place and still run. "Well, it's every other weekend if you put in early enough and there's an open spot. The spots go to teams and trainers first." So I went from otr with some home time to regional with even less home time. Huslted. Fell for a gimmick. I only had a few months to my 1 year anniversary and wanted to get a full year in with a single company so I sucked it up. And got treated like crap. You might even say that I got treated like a number, by a company that indeed did pay for my training, and sent me a lot of "you've been driving for too long" qualcom messages as I tried very, very hard to get their loads delivered on time. I put in my two week notice on my 1 year anniversary, was called and promised "every weekend off." Awesomeness. Except that when I didn't get "every weekend off" my dm didn't like to respond to any questions about it. Per usual. Just like family. Then on the bus back to my home the dm lit up my phone ****ed because I had the audacity to quit after being misled and outright lied to repeatedly. Fortunately my DAC is clear. But even if this company offered me $1 a mile as a company driver to return, I would still hesitate, because something is seriously wrong with them. And if you stick in the butt naysaying brow beaters can't handle the truth then gfy's.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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School or pick a company? And how do I choose between company driver or owner operator?
I had actually quit this forum after this thread. The company I signed on with treated me like crap from the day I showed up right up to a couple of days after my two week notice had passed when my DM was texting threats to jack with my DAC. My expectations where based on what this company advertised. I've changed those expectations based on my experience in this field I proved myself to this company and the logs back me up. They threw me away. End of story.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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Game: you first felt like a real trucker when....
"You First Felt Like A Real Trucker When...." Four months on the job, I'm downtown NYC looking at a bridge marked 13' and nowhere else to go. A street cop came over and said "If you don't bounce, you can make it. I'll walk you through." True story.
You know, it might of been even lower than 13'. I'm thinking 12'4''? It's been a while, but I was definitely thinking "whelp, it's sure been nice being a trucker." Lol. Thank God for nice NYC cops!
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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If a reefer runs out of fuel and won't restart after fueling: Find the primer button. Unscrew it. Pump it 500 times (seriously, 500 times). Otherwise your going to have to sit and wait for someone else to do the exact same thing. Not uncommon to find a reefer almost out of fuel if the load is swapped, so it really is useful to know how to prime them if your not able to get to a fuel stop in time. It happens.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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Game: you first felt like a real trucker when....
"You First Felt Like A Real Trucker When...." Four months on the job, I'm downtown NYC looking at a bridge marked 13' and nowhere else to go. A street cop came over and said "If you don't bounce, you can make it. I'll walk you through." True story.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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School or pick a company? And how do I choose between company driver or owner operator?
My highest apologies if my colorful use of the English language falls sharply upon your soft ears. I'm old. And I'm a Marine Corps vet. I cuss often, and a lot when expressing myself in what I consider to be informal situations. Had I been aware of the sensitivities of this particular forum I would have adjusted my decorum accordingly so as to not offend those unacquainted with the harsh language associated with the working class citizen. Short story: I worked hard, was lied to, gave my 2 week notice on my one year anniversary, got lied to some more, left on good terms. And will never return to that particular company. Going flat bed from here on out.