Profile For Brian

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    Preparing For School

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    11 years, 9 months ago

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Trucking runs in my family!

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Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Summer idling

It's okay to not have it as I get home most weekends. Just not a fan of idling burning fuel.

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Summer idling

It's okay to not have it as I get home most weekends. Just not a fan of idling burning fuel.

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Summer idling

What do people do for summer idling? I haven't posted in a long time but I've been working on the road for a few months. During the winter and spring I didn't have to idle. Now in the summer I can't sleep in weather that's 85 and above. It's currently 95 degrees in Tennessee. I'm trying to save fuel for company points.

What do you guys do on weekends you run? My truck doesn't have APU, just bunk heater.

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Today I leave for orientation...

We had Steve work there, not sure if he still does. Tried connecting to him on here but no response. I know I'm proud of myself on how much I've accomplished. It'll be a whole new experience on the next step.

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Today I leave for orientation...

I chose the company I was interested with in my second week of school. I decided on TMC because of what they offered and they were the best decision for myself and my wife.

It was definitely difficult weighing pros and cons of over the road. Especially, the con of leaving my wife for a few weeks. I know that we can definitely handle the time apart since she has a really good job and the house to come home to. I know I'll be pushing myself harder every day for orientation. I'm that type of guy where I remain calm and just keep going forward. I learned a lot about myself during driver training and I know I can do it. As for now I'll be posting updates when I can.

Just wanted to say thanks to this site for allowing me to learn more every day.

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Shout out to my school, I passed!

As of yesterday I passed my driver exam. I now have my Class A. I want to thank my college of choice Century College in Afton MN. Wonderful school and great instructors!

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Thursday...the big day!

Tomorrow I test for my Class A license!

I'm nervous, but I'm also confident I'll pass. I just graduated from Century College today, we had our final session today. I completed 180 hours of classroom and driving time. I'm looking forward to my next adventure!

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Century College (Afton, MN)

Day 20 1/2:

I'll combine our make up day with day 20. On Tuesday I was in a tie for the most obstacles completed on the range. Which the other person and myself had a sudden death style of a combination of obstacles. We had to complete Blind-Side parallel and a 180 reverse dock. The person who completed most obstacles won. And......I came in FIRST!!!! I was very proud of myself.

On our final day today we we're doing all the exam practice items, offset, 90 dock, backing, and on the road driving. I'll be testing tomorrow afternoon so I'll be coming into class around lunch to practice my pre-trip and obstacles.

Tonight I'm clearing my head to regain my focus. That's it for Century College in Afton, MN. It was a great bunch and a great crew of instructors!

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Century College (Afton, MN)

Day 19:

It was another good day after a great weekend with my wife. Today I drove 2 hours on the road, some good driving today. I also did a blind 90 dock, that was fun. I also succeeded in a 180 dock park, that was really fun!

All in all it was a good day of practice. Tomorrow will be more driving and final class time with a quiz. Wednesday is our make up day to get 180 hours completed, all driving time. Just getting anxious for Thursday!

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Century College (Afton, MN)

Day 15:

With the previous day of no class due to weather we hammered hard into learning classroom time. We went on the range to practice more and had our driving time out on the road. With a class of 9 it usually works out great for driving and range time with 6 trucks. I still think this is a great program from Century College!

Day 16:

More classroom and driving time and it's just great to have the 9 hours every day to get all the practice in.

Day 17:

We had a nasty storm, so we ended up using this day to get caught up from Monday missing class time. That was trip planning and map usage, which I like reading maps. I'm ready to use maps in the real world for trip planning. Once the storm settled we just had range driving time which is backing, 90, offset, parallel, tunnel dock.

Day 18:

It was a great day, I got my Wisconsin Pre-Trip checklist. This is the final checklist so it's shortened quite a lot! I'm ready for it and I'm confident. I was also told when I test and I take my exam on Thursday, confidence is key! I'll be preparing with my final days to get all the things in line to pass my exam. Every last minute will be fixing any mistakes and making myself a better driver. I'm a few days away from testing, and we have 3 days left of class, can't wait!

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