Mesa, AZ
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Attended AIT in Phoenix, AZ and recently passed the test. Starting my career with May Trucking. Look forward to the adventure.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Any current barr nunn drivers?
I appreciate all of your guys response and honesty. That's what's great about TT. You get "real" responses. Not ppl going off on a rant about the good or bad.
I spoke with a recruiter today more in depth. I'm one who has a hard time trusting them because the business they're in is to get you in the door and they'll do whatever it takes.
I like the pay scale, the main terminal is 20 minutes away, the bonuses and their equipment sounds good. However, their layover pay and detention pay (although it is after only an hour) doesn't sound promising.
Layover is $50 the first 34 hours, then 50$ every 24 hrs after that. To me, that is horrid. Slow freight and your out on the road getting $50 a day, say something that the planner or dispatcher takes the wrong way, your starving.
They've offered me a job band set up an orientation but I'll be taking some time to think about the switch.
That layover pay worries me, cause I know there are slow times where you sit and I'm not one who really wants to be sitting out there for only 50$ a day. I'm wanting to make the 1500-1700 They claim their drivers average on a weekly basis.
Thanks again guys!
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Any current barr nunn drivers?
Lol they might. I don't wanna get tied up to a chair in the dungeon man.
True about the miles. But with .51 cpm wasn't sure if the average miles even good drivers get would me much lower than with a company paying .41 cpm.
Thanks for the response.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Any current barr nunn drivers?
Looking for what's the miles like weekly and if their reputation is good? Your thoughts of company? Is the pay as great as they advertise?
Thanks for your time and appreciate the info!
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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I'miss on my last week and half of my first three months solo with May. I chose the flat rate pay option when I started. I was getting great miles the first 10 weeks I was out. Went on home time this past week and just got back on truck October 31st. I am now getting short hauls and sitting quite a bit. Giving me 500 mile run that can be done in 1 day but doesn't deliver for 2 days.
What im getting to is I'm actually losing money right now because these short hauls are decreasing my bonus money I get at the end of my 3 months. I had a feeling the company would do this when I first started. I'm very upset that they would do that. Whatever can save company money they do. Greed.
I'm biting my lip and keeping my mouth shut but I'd love to say something to the company. I know it'd hurt me in long run so I decided to vent on TT and let future may drivers know they may also do this to them.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Thank you guys for responses. Appreciate it. Going with the atlas.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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I'm 33 miles away going Bay Bridge. Other route is 78 miles. So about 45 minutes to hr
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Quick question. I've got 14 ft trailer and needing to go into downtown SF. My deliver just after crossing Bay Bridge. I got my gps set at 14' buy it keeps routing around it but if I set it at 13'6" it takes me over it. I looked up the clearance on Google and I think it was Wikipedia had clearance 14 ft. However I look at atlas and it don't have it listed as a low clearance under California low clearances. I know they redid the bridge sometime but not sure when that was. Maybe Wikipedia got wrong height. Idk. Just thought I'd ask TT if anyone knows for sure? Just a bit confused. My routing directions tell me to cross Bay Bridge.I've asked company to confirm but no answer yet. Thank you
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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I was suppose to pick up a pre-load at 1300 today. It has now turned into a 7 hour live load. This is crazy. Lol.
First time I've had to wait more than 2 hours to get loaded in the short time I've been solo. How often has this happened to you?
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Barr nunn, marten transport or crete carrier!? :)
So, I've come to the decision that I'm going back over the road. I've looked into companies and like crete, barr nunn or marten.
Crete offers otr 21 days out 48 states at .47 cpm and say avg of 2700-2900 miles a week. No bonuses that I know of.
BARR nunn has .51 cpm and as a new driver you get an extra .05 for the first 90 days. Seen and heard an avg of 2500 miles per week. Only east coast but their main terminal is a suburb of my home town.
Marten cpm is like .38 BUT they offer nice hourly pay for weather issues, detention, and layover.
In all honesty the pay will probly come out to closely the same +/- few thousands.
I plan on staying out 2-3 months at a time for the year of 2018. Working and just stacking paper.
I'm still having a hard time figuring out who to go with. I'm a good driver. Drive hard when given the miles.
What are your thoughts or insight into some of these companies I'm deciding from?
Thank you!!!