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Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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I should probably clarify what I meant when I said I believed he was partially to blame. The entire time he was leaning forward blocking my passenger side mirrors while acting like I mentioned above. I get what you're all saying as it was ultimately my fault as I was the driver and not him. It's just really hard for me to blindly follow directions like that especially when he was being a jerkface the entire time.
As far as an update, I got to the hotel last night at around 3 am and it's now about 10 pm the following day. As far as I've been told I'm on a safety hold and am waiting to hear back from safety on when or if I'm going out with a new trainer.
I'm pretty sure I'm getting a new trainer, it's just a matter of when. I'm not about to quit after all the crap I've gone through to get this far.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Started driving with Pam Transport recently and on my second day on the road with my mentor I bent a rim on my tandems. I should also note today was my first time really driving outside of training , I was exhausted at the end of my day and it was a dark area. However my mentor should not have put me in that position.
I'm female and I like to know where I'm going and don't do well with blindly being told where to turn. I like to plan my movement's ahead of time to avoid hitting things. Well he doesn't like questions and according to him, the reason I bent that rim is because women need to be babied and a man would not have hit the curb. He even told me to keep going after the tires were sitting on the curb. Had I been given time to evaluate the situation, instead of blindly trudging on, I'm sure I could've found a way to not bend the rim as it passed over the edge of the curb!
For the next hour he spent his time belittling me and let women for needing to be babied and how I'm the second women he has kicked off his truck. Thing is I'm only the second female on his truck.
He was so verbally abusive I walked away and haven't been near him since. That was over 2 hours ago and now we are waiting for them to replace the rim and take me to the nearest truck stop to find a cheap hotel. I really hope this is a fluke and not a sign.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Mentor problems
I wanted to update you guys. I got a ride to my home terminal and will stay here until Monday morning where I have a meeting with safety. I'm pretty sure they will simply extend my mentor training and additional week with a new mentor. I'll update once I find out. :)