Sylacauga, AL
Driving Status:
Rookie Team Driver
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Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Let me start out by saying, I love driving a semi-truck. I've have been out for three months by my own choice. I enjoy it regardless of how little the pay is for a new person paying his dues,However; I recently asked for home time, this is day 8 of me not being home afterwards. So, I've researched laws for days figuring out if what they're doing is right. Well, we have no employment laws protecting us on matters of home time, in fact no job does! If even a McDonalds manager calls his employee on his off day and Say's "hey you need to come in" and the employee says no he can be terminated with no liable law suit available to him, a company doesnt even have to follow it's own handbook infact, nore do they legally have to get you home on time or at all! Your boss can call you and tell you to get off the truck in thr middle of nowhere and give you no way home with no legal backlash as far as I know. What makes me laugh is when I bring this up and people say "get over it that's truck driving" the quest for me becomes.."does the make it acceptable?" Could you imagine if our founding fathers said"well thats marnarky for you" and just excused the conditions of being bullied around with no way to defend? I digress I feel laws need to be put in to place for this sorta thing and if anyone knows something I've missed feel free to tell me about it all comments and opinions are accepted
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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So this is a question for the team drivers ... Do you ever wake up feeling dizzy, disoriented, or have a massive headache? If you do, you know the cause? I've been curious to why i feel this way and i believe it may just be blood rushing to my head or altitude sickness, answers would help
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Jimmy you are a team - think about that - let it soak in...
What are teams for? They are for moving freight farther than anyone else can - that is their purpose. Why should your lead driver's pay and reputation be suffering because of your so called safety concerns? We're all concerned about safety, but that does not have anything to do with why you are not pulling your share of the load. You are unequally yoked with another team member, and a wise teacher once taught us that formula is destined for failure. You have got to make some better effort.
You've done your pre-trip, you already know the truck and trailer were good to go, if they were. What is bugging you? Let that truck roll - you have got to turn some miles in your situation.
I think its inexperience to the road, but I will keep this in mind thank you for your input on the matter oldschool
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Hi, I posted not to long ago and got tons of super helpful and supportive replys and as I said I had other questions..So, I work for CRST and I've had five leads (and no where near quitting ive got my heart in this job) but Im finally at the end of my training and broke a 630 mile night( thanks to you guys) but my lead critizes me for only getting 275 miles on eagle mountian in tn and for driving almost a full shift of nothing but hwys and only making it 375 miles..its that I worry about saftey and the saftey of others..im just curious to if its bad to not always hit the 530-620 mark.
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Thank you all for your answers ive tried a verity of them the saline drops was godly my eyes feel alot better but as for still also found a better way to sleep. So thank you guys so much
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Hello,I'm curious to if it's just because I'm new or if my body isnt used to driving for so long but,after about four hours my eyes get hazy and tired(I'm only 22 and have drove for 2 months however; I've never gotten tired like this after four hours of physical labor..) I was curious does this happen to any one else,furthermore; does it happen to experienced drivers and if anyone has anytips so I can better myself I'd be grateful. I also have other questions but this is the main concern at the moment.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Accepted Home time
Oh I completely forgive them on the mannor,lifes to short to live with a chip on your shoulder. It just interested me to see the advanage company's can have over you in a legal battle. I applied for my home time in july reminded them of it two weeks in advance and they had a load to the area of my home time(to salt lake city), however it cancelled.that's not their fault and I didn't blame them for it the kept us on small loads to get a bit of income while we waited and then it happened. We relayed a load off and i was curious to where the end game was for it. It was organ I was highly upset but, settled down because they probably had a reason. I talked to them and they got upset that I was asking why we were taken off the load(may have had a small ton of aggervation but was staying relatively calm as I could) so the next day I requested to switch to alabama for home time, and decided id give them a couple days it's leading us to az now and hopefully home. Alls forgiven, just highly annoying that I lost the chance to propose to my girlfriend because of what ever miscommunication or error may have accrued
As for the law, that really need's to be fixed. There should be laws to protect employees from being dropped in the middle of no where..and can be quiet nerve racking to think they can strain you with no load anywhere they wish, and you don't have premission to drive it back to a terminal(hijacking) or leave the truck (abandonment) Nor do they have to get you home. It maybe bad buisness but completely thesisable and I'm sure it happens.