Yucaipa, CA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
Social Link:
Neebs On The Web
Driving since 2016
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Western Pacific Truck School - The Road to Failure
Sorry if this counts as a necro'd response, but I just had to make an account to reply. The story my dad had at this school was hilarious.
By the way, I am in no way related to and or affiliated with Ryan. I am not trying to clear his name, just confirm some of what has been said about this school. My dad just recently attended this exact school, Western Pacific Truck School of Stockton, California. Now I'm sure none of us know Ryan's background, but here is a little background of my dad. He was in the marines for 8 years. He also worked in the same factory for 20 years, until it fell apart because of poor management. He knows how to put up with bull****, and just simply follow the orders given to make ends meat.
Almost everything Ryan was complaining about, I heard my dad speak about it.
My dad said you had to be aggressively demanding with these "mean" instructors, that literally called you drooling ****ing idiots. (although in spanish) He said if you didn't speak up, they would continue to walk over you treating you like ****. If you were brave enough to start a confrontation over each aspect of driving you did not understand, which is likely ALLOT for a new driver, you will learn. He said these instructors were the better ones, although extremely frustrating to deal with.
The instructors that were calmer? Well, it went something like this. You're grinding the gears" Wow, you're doing great!" You smash some cones? "You'll learn when you get a job! *smile face*" I imagined it was like congratulating a person with an extreme mental disability for attempting to put a square cube into the round hole. A generic comforting response, without a correction.
He said if you have driven a truck before, it'd be acceptable. All in all, he said it was okay, considering he too had a free ride. However, he said it would be very difficult to stomach if the schooling came out of his own pocket. With the schooling he was given, which wasn't all that much, he passed the written and failed the driven. The company insisted they would help him by getting him some more wheel time. This never happened, they would float his calls. Insist they called him, and say my dad was trying to get over on them. They would schedule an appointment to practice, No instructor or truck.
He ended up meeting a guy outside of DMV on one of the days WPTS shafted him for a scheduled appointment. The "shady" guy offered to teach him for $1000/3weeks. It sounded shady as all hell, but he now has a cdl. Also a local job offer that seems very promising. This was all after getting ignored by WPTS for almost 2 months.
Posted: 6 years, 5 months ago
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Southwest Traders (Temecula,CA)
I am starting orientation for Southwest Traders, in Stockton CA. I'd imagine the pay rate and job tasks are similar to Temecula. If anything I'd imagine SWT Temecula pays a tad higher than Stockton. 15.20$/hr, with a guarantee pay of 14 hours a day. First 8 at regular, next four hours at time and half, last 2 hours at double time. They offer 40$ a day for performance and an additional 40$ a day for safety. Sixth day is optional, at 14 hours at 1.5 rate, performance and safety as well. If you do not work any weekends, nor get performance or safety bonuses your expected annual income would be(1,350$/wk 72,500$/yr.) If you are super man, and get everything, you can make (2,100$/wk 109,000$/yr.) I believe that's what I estimated, anyways, I'd imagine you could be fired for poor performance, so let's say you likely will make 85-90k/yr If you actually do your job, without being HeMan and blowing out your knees and back.
Another thing, if you know anything about McLane, the job task is pretty similar (my uncle works with em, and I have a current friend that drives a rigid for SWT Stockton) You drive to about 15 locations a shift, and unload product at each location (roughly 9 hours driving, 4 hours lumping). They give you a QR scanner to clock in and out time at each delivery location. Most of their trucks are Freightliner/Volvo autoshifts now, but you may be required to drive a 10 spd manual occasionally. I'm not 100% sure on the product Temecula transports, but I'd imagine it's similar to Stockton and Pleasanton. Milk, Starbucks (coffee and food), Pete's coffee. All items up to about 60lbs(milk, coffee) much lower (sandwiches.)
I believe Southwest Traders will higher you with minimal experience. They check MVR, not DAC. If you do accumulate more than 3 points on your driving record or failure to pass a drug test, you're gone. They have first day health benefits. It's w2, not 1099. It took me about about 20 minutes to fill out their online application. 20 minutes for final paperwork and interview. 15 minutes for a road test. 30 minutes for an off site drug test. Almost 2.5 weeks to give me the clearance to start orientation. Im not sure where in ILL you're coming from, but if it was me, Temecula would be my last choice between the valley, bay and socal. But if you like all that congestion, choose either Temecula or Pleasanton. I believe living costs are higher in Pleasanton.
I've been doing otr for 1.5 years now, and I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed every morning. I've done 12 hour shifts lumping 50lb boxes, and I'm used to driving now. So I'd imagine the day to day tasks at SWT will be a pleasent change. Oh yeah, shifts are usually grave yard.