Profile For Andrae R.

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Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Upshifting after quick stop in traffic

Depending on the weight of whatever your pulling - 2nd or 3rd. 4th or 5th. To get back in gear there are a few ways I know how to get it back. Either give a quick rev and slide it in as you rev. Or place the shifter right in front of the gear chosen and slowly rev up the motor just enough so that its lightly touching the gears, you'll feel it kinda slowing down(the gear grinding) & then viola! It'll almost suck it into gear.

Hope this helps!!

Drive safe!


Thanks! Im in sleeper berth for the rest of tonight but tomorrow ill try yout advice and let you know how do!

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Upshifting after quick stop in traffic

Hello fellow truckers So my trainer is a cool guy but i dont think he understands what i mean maybe you guys can help me out? While im downshifting thru towns i find myself sometimes coming to a complete stop usually when im in 6th i kick it in neutral once the light turn im suddenly upshifting again im around 5mph so either gear 4th or 5th i grind it hard all the time i can just see my trainer crinch up everytime i do it i start panicking now ive lost all momentum and have to stop completely still grinding gears can you please help me

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