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Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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So I took the plunge and applied to Prime after doing my research. I got a call from them yesterday. They confirmed things I've read as far as training, pay, and questions about the company. They mentioned a TX, AR, OK, LA regional run too (I'm interested in going to all 48 though, as home time isn't essential to me for now). They said if everything on my background checks out, they could have me in orientation on 6/20. I said that's a little soon for me but I appreciate the positive response.
I'm continuing to research companies, and still considering private CDL school, but confidence is high.
I looked into prime before I had to go with PAM because I had gotten a seatbelt ticket 2 years ago that I forgot about and it led to my DL being pulled so because I had a suspension and had only gotten my DL back a year and half ago they turned me down but I would have went with them in a heart beat just because of the environment that they create for their drivers.
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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I have posted once and yall who read it know that me and my husband are both going to attend classes the end of the month to drive teams, I've heard all the stuff about how it sucks and blah blah, we won't have time for each other I just want to know who out there drives with a significant other because I have some questions specifically for you.. 1. On average how often do you talk? I understand that the truck is usually always moving with the exception of fill ups and necessary stops so one drives while one sleeps but both getting 8 hours is 16 hours leaving 8 hours of time with each other, my question is how often does that 8 hours happen? 2. Sex? If the truck is always moving is there any time for sex? This may come off as a perverted question, but we are all adults and it's a very serious question because lack of sex leads to all kinds of marital issues as well as health problems and self esteem issues, so is sex non-existent, or do you pull into a rest stop and have a quicky every now and then? 3. fighting? How often do you get into the "I'm spending to much time with you so you are getting on my last nerve" fights happen? If you spend as little time with one another as people say then they shouldn't be very often, but I'm preparing for what I am going into so be brutally honest... and last question I have is because we won't be able to shower and use the best hygiene practices because loads are time sensitive, and I have heard about peeing in bottles and cups when there are no where to stop as well as plastic bags for tampons and such, my question is after driving together are you turned of by your significant other at this point like I've seen him in life be gross but im usually pretty kept and don't want to have him find me disgusting after this so do you have more respect for your partner now because they rose to the challenge and traded in their cushy life for trucking or are you repulsed buy them because you know what they had to do to become a trucker...
This is mainly for those who drive teams with a life partner, but if you have a wife or husband who comes on solo trips with you some of the questions may apply to you as well. All answers are welcome. Nothing that you say will change my mind about it so be as honest as you can because I want to go into this with open eyes and not ignorance...
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Yeah, I can only imagine. Due to all the **** women get about their driving I'm surprised that there are as many as there are honestly... So you said you and you're fiance are team drivers. I've heard alot of **** about how teaming sucks because the truck is always moving and you have to alternate sleep and stuff.. I hope I'm not getting to personal when I ask this if I am you can just tell me it's nonna my business, but how's sex work for yall... if you say yall don't have any well this may not be for me cause if I don't get at least once a week i'll be cranky and mean.. I'm just kidding of course because i made the commitment to myself to do it but that is a legit question because being with each other but never seeing each other and never having sex sounds like it wouldn't be a very happy life, I could only imagine there's arguing and fighting involved if sex is non existant lol
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Thanks, I am thinking of using the diaries section as i do love to keep a daily log of my progress.. I'm very excited, my husband not so much, he is terrified (as he rightfully should be) his words when talking about a rig are "screaming metal death machine". He's not so worried about his driving as other peoples I told him that once he gets comfy in a truck he will see that it's not so bad.. People won't respect you and they will try and cut you off and treat you like crap but the freedom of the road will make it all worth it.. My dad is a very philosophical man and taught me that things are going to look bad but make the most of it because that's what you have to do.. I'm saying this because if yall do end up reading my diaries then you will understand why it is that i will be so happy and cheery about it.. It's because as long as i stay happy my husband stays less stressed and that's how our whole next year will be hopefully.. All smiles, from a crazy girl about to feel the freedom of the road..
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Thanks, that is very helpful, not a lot of people on here are there? I was expecting more than one reply (not that yours wasn't helpful, because it was, i just like hearing multiple opinions lol)
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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K, so momma and daddy were both truckers, both retired now.. I start my classes the 27th to start for PAM any advice yall can give a fellow female driver that my momma wouldn't know about seeing as how she been out of the loop for a while now? Like how's "that time of the month work in a big rig?" or the best places to shower? anybody run for PAM.. and do any of yall run teams with your significant other? That's what the plan is to drive Team with my husband we are both excited to start.
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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ok so I'm starting my classes on the 27th in Knoxville I will be driving for PAM Transport. I've always loved the road it's the most free place.. my mother and father were both truckers and so I think the love of the road is just in my blood.. Any advice about trucking in general yall can give me that my momma hasn't already.. no shady dark places I already heard that.. and for the love of christ don't lease lol.. anything besides that that yall can tell me?
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Driving teams
Thank you that was all really helpful information. I feel like we will have a lot of fun with this. Like I said I just wanted to know what to expect going into it and posting on reddit is like the most unhelpful thing ever, because I swear everyone on there hates their job..