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Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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This is just a general question which does not apply to me personally. I am just curious.
Some companies require that CDL Students must have a driver license that is one year old. Is this a rule part of company policy or is it a requirement according to state law.
Prime Inc for example requires that the CDL Student must have a license that is at least one year old. Is it a Prime Inc company policy or is it according to Missouri law?
If it is a state regulation, where can I find a list that shows in which state this rule applies and in which state it doesn't apply?
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Four Companies are Interested in Me
The thing that sets FFE apart from the other three is that they have a tanker division and they serve oilfields which is one of the things I would probably do after gaining enough experience. FFE has their headquarters in Texas. Maybe, this could be a advantage for me, because I am a Texas resident. However, I don't really care where the companies have their headquarters, but in some cases this might be more convenient for me. Both FFE and Knight claim that they are debt free companies.
I just discovered that in my area Averitt only have LTL positions open. I think that it is more convenient for me to be an over-the-road driver hauling FTL.
I have decided that the company that invites me first to their orientation will be the one I decide to work with.
It is Knight versus FFE.
I think it is better to have too many choices/options than none.
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Four Companies are Interested in Me
I have already studied the major issues and these companies. Therefore, I am right now studying the minor issues. In general, I don't care where they send me. I have found out that all three companies are all the right companies for me when it comes to the major issues.
All of those companies fulfill the necessities for me. Now it is about minor convenience issues.
Does it make a difference in what state companies have their headquarters? I think that companies follow the rules of the state their have their headquarters.
Issues like No Forced Dispatch or No Forced NYC or Good Benefits are just convenience issues which don't have anything to do with necessity.
If the company needs me to be on the road for one year without home time, I would not reject it. If they need me, I am available, but if I have the choice between No Forced Dispatch and Force Dispatch, I would out of convenience of course choose the company with No Forced Dispatch.
I also think that it is easier to take every load if it is Forced Dispatch, but if there is not Forced Dispatch, but the driver still take every load this show that the driver is more dedicated.
I never said that I will turn down loads, but it can still be more convenient for me to have the choice if I want to choose a particular load or not.
Due to religious and personal reasons, I would not take some types of loads such as Alcoholic Beverages and intoxicants.
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Four Companies are Interested in Me
There are four companies that are interested in me.
1. Prime Inc 2. Averitt Express 3. FFE 4. Knight
I need to drop Prime Inc because they rarely deliver to my home area. Therefore, I only have three left.
Averitt Express, FFE, and Knight have terminals in my home town.
Can you give me information about the three companies and some objective reviews?
In terms of freight the seem to be all good. I just need some help with my decision. Right now, I am towards Knight because they don't have forced dispatch.
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Looking For Real Objective Info On US Xpress
They are a good company. You just need to search if this company is right for you by figuring out how much freight they deliver to your home town. Do you see lots of their trucks in your area? This is what you should be concerned with.
I would like to work for them, but I don't live in their hiring area. In my area, I don't see many US Xpress trucks, but lots of Knight, Averitt, and Swift.
Trucking is about delivering freight. The freight determines if the transport company is right for you or not. The freight governs the trucking industry.
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Convert a CDL A into a regular Class C driver's license
A friend of mine wants to restart his trucking career by going to school again. He got his CDL A 2010, but he hasn't driven since then. All the companies require him to go back to school and complete a certain amount of hours of instruction and behind the wheel.
That is why he wants to turn in his CDL A and convert into a regular Class C Driver's License.
He is Texas resident and already decided for a truck driving school.
1. Is it possible to convert the CDL A into a Class C driver's license? 2. If yes, how is it done? 3. How much does it usually cost to convert the CDL into a regular driver's license? 4. Are there any things he should be aware of?
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Community College and Driver Training
The El Paso Community College works in a similar manner. They partnered with Mesilla Valley Training Institute.
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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for my living costs etc, I use my debit card or my Sams Card (Wal-Mart/Sam's Club). Most of my utility costs are deducted automatically from my account. I just need to make sure that I have enough money on my account. My spouse takes care of the bills that need to be paid manually.
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Four Companies are Interested in Me
I never talked about refusing loads. I never said that I plan to refuse loads, but Knight Transportation give their drivers for example three loads to choose from and the driver chooses one of them. If it is the only load then I don't have the choice but to take it and I would never refuse a load. However, if I can choose between two or three loads then it would make it more convenient for me.
If I am forced to take a load then it is difficult to stand out of the masses, but if you are allowed to refuse the load, but you are nonetheless never refusing loads, this would cause are greater impact on the dispatcher. In the first case every driver takes the load, because they must take it by force. In the second case drivers are allowed to refuse a load and probably many will refuse, but drivers who never refuse freight will be standing out among the masses. He will not be a number anymore, but his availability will be noticed by the dispatchers and management.
In my life, I learned the motto: "If you do something by force they you just do it as a burden or obligation, but if you do something out of free will and by your own choice then this show that you love to do it."
The same goes with hometime. Many will take and demand hometime, but if I show them that I am always available while the masses do their hometime, dispatcher will notice and I would stand out. I would be considered above average. If I am forced like everyone else then it is more difficult to become above average. I don't want to be just an average driver.
If I am forced to take the load and I take it then I just follow the stream. If I am forced to take the load and I refuse it then I am rocking the boat and become below average.
If I am allowed to refuse the load and I choose to refuse the loads then I would be an average driver. If I take the load and I am always available and always reliable, then I would become a driver that is dedicated and above average. By being always available, I would go against the stream.
It is easier to show off your dedication when I am not forced.
Hope you understand what I mean, now.