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Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Hello Blessed 58! How's it going out there for you? I'm currently in the CDL course at Valdosta's Wiregrass Technical College and will graduate on 8-10-16. I enjoyed reading some of your posts. You still with Roehl? Would you go with Roehl if you had to do it all over again?
Thanks and I look forward to hearing back from you!
Geo. (BerlinBandit)
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Technical College in Georgia, my 2nd career begins
Hey GaGator! I'm in the Valdosta class and will graduate on 8-10-2016 as well. We have had some great training. It seems as if you and I are similar. I retired from the military (11.1 yrs USMC, 10.2 yrs Army) and then worked as a consultant for a DOD firm on a contract for the past 8 years until the contract was discontinued in May 2015. Although I have an AA degree and am now only one course shy of completing my BA degree, I too came to the conclusion that there is age discrimination (I'll be 54 in November) in corporate America. Anyway, this allows me to pursue a career in trucking, which has interested me since childhood. I actually had planned on only serving four years in the Marine Corps and then entering the trucking industry, but I found myself wanting that military retirement and I'm glad I went that route. Now though, I am exciting to enter the trucking arena. The cool thing about having a military retirement is that I do not have to look for a trucking job based on what benefits they provide such as health insurance, dental, etc..., because I already have great retirement benefits.
Please keep in touch and let me know how your job search goes. I too would like a job where I can get home on "most" weekends so I can spend some time with my wife. I have communicated with a CT Transportation recruiter several times, they are on the low end of the pay scale. The best thing about CT is they get you home on weekends.
Like you, I am a research-aholic as it pertains to everything. Man, I'm talking about....I will research the heck out of something as small as a battery charger just to make sure that battery charger will do the job I want it to do, and then I will conduct even more research in order to find the best deal on that battery charger! The same goes with my job search for my first trucking job. Even though I have conducted a ton of research over the past several months, I still haven't settled on a company as of yet. I too am going to get my hazmat endorsement as well as my doubles/triples and TWIC card, so I may be more attractive to a company.
Again, please keep in touch and let me know when you settle on a company. I will do the same!
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Technical College in Georgia, my 2nd career begins
Gator, what happened?