Gainesville, GA
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Considering A Career
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Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Roehl 7/4-7/3 vs. typical regional plan?
Hello all, I'm considering getting into trucking but one thing that I can't quite make up my mind on is whether to try the Roehl Transport 7/4-7/3 plan or just go with a general regional division of a company who has terminals nearby. My biggest concern overall is home-time. I want as much home-time as possible while still making a decent paycheck so no 7/7 plan from Roehl unfortunately. As I see it, Roehl's plan offers a longer home-time, as far as consecutive days goes, but as long as a regional division can get me home each weekend, which I realize is not guaranteed, they both should equal out to within a day or so of total home-time each month. Is this correct? I am fine being gone a week or so but would prefer to stay away from anything that would keep me out much longer than that, a few days for unexpected things that come up is fine but i'd want to get home as much as possible.
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Roehl 7/4-7/3 vs. typical regional plan?
Thanks for all the replies everyone!
When I mentioned wanting a decent paycheck I didn't mean 40k+ I'm well aware it would be lower than that but if I make over 21k, like I'm doing now with a company I've been with for 5 years, it would be an improvement haha. Surely regional or the 7/4-7/3 could get me near 30k which I'm more than fine with. Im not expecting to be rolling in money I just want more room than I have now while doing something I feel like I would enjoy versus a job that I don't enjoy and all I look forward to is when I'm able to leave for the day. I'm mostly just curious about whether the 7/4-7/3 would get me home more or less than a typical regional 5 or so days out with a weekend reset. Big plan overall is do what I have to for the year or so to get where I want to be, then find something that may get me home daily. I'm willing to do what needs to be done now to get there, just would like at least a day or 2 home a week If possible. Thanks again.