Profile For CoolHand Duke

CoolHand Duke's Info

  • Location:
    Where I'm parked, AL

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 8 months ago

CoolHand Duke's Bio

No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.

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Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Charlotte Truck Driver Training School...

Good luck. When you pass Ryerson, know they pay very well. I know one of their drivers.

Got a good look at them Thursday while a dang train sat blocking Rozelles Ferry Road forever. Nice looking equipment.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Charlotte Truck Driver Training School...

Days 2, 3 and 4.

Very busy. A lot of work in a very short time. Just finished my 162 question notebook test so I can get my CLP next Friday. Had to have the test complete by Wednesday but I'm trying to stay ahead of the game.

Have put out about a dozen online apps and am now wishing I had waited a little bit...dang recruiters are blowing me up nonstop from 7am to 6pm.

Lost one of my classmates **** test.

More later.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Charlotte Truck Driver Training School...

Day 1...

Anyone who's ever been in the military would have had a weird sense of deja vu had they been along side me today. Bursts of seemingly endless paperwork followed by stretches of just sort of sitting there wondering what was going to happen next.

There was a "oh crap" moment when they handed us our bible and I noticed printed right there on the cover...rather prominently...the following phrase. Updated Monthly. Got me to wondering if I'd ever be able to keep up with the obviously fluid nature of the federal regulations, but I figure if everyone else can, so could I.

Took three tests, aced them all. Then I amused all the instructors by asking when we'd actually get to hop in a truck and start working on our backing as a whole crew of others were doing. Next Monday they said between chuckles. Found out later the instructors run a little pool amongst themselves to see who can guess closest to the time that some nimrod will get the cart before the horse. Glad I could help.

Recruiters will be in Wednesday and Thursday, mostly for the two classes in front of me but I was told to expect to get the pitch from a few of them anyway. Again, military experience will stand me in good stead for I know exactly how to tell if a recruiter is lying. Very simple...his/her lips are moving. Anyone who has served knows exactly what I'm talking about.

Got my paperwork/homework to complete this week so I can get my CDL LP so I'm about to get started on that.

Until tomorrow.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Relationships and drivers that work for different companies...

If two people want it to work, and are willing to work together to make it work, then I don't see why one of you couldn't pull For Heavenly Expedited and the other For Hell Express.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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A new career...


Well, I went and did it. Finally had my fill of smart a$$ doctors, embittered nurses, crooked insurance companies (now that I think about it I may not get away from that one), sleazy drug company reps and all the other assorted curses of the healthcare industry in America today. I decided I was still young enough (46) to enjoy myself and knowing that I'm hopelessly strung out on driving and travel, why not combine the two and get my cdl.

So, day after tomorrow, July 27 2016, I begin my new career at Charlotte Truck Driving School. You should have seen the look on the DoN's (Director of Nursing) face when I handed in my resignation, along with several suggestions on what and where she she could shove various medical devices and my personal recommendation that she commit a fairly impossible act of self copulation. That had been building for five years and thanks to an impressive act of restraint, she had no idea I held her in such total contempt.

But I digress...

I have been lurking around this board for several months now, learning what I could and living vicariously threw the exploits of you professional drivers. I thought I'd just say hello and thanks to all the experienced, and not so experienced, drivers who have given me the guts to follow an old dream.


Hopefully the D.O.N. will not be the one that picks up the phone when whichever company you apply to calls to check your job history/references. LOL.

Welcome to the board - and welcome to trucking. Keep us posted on your progress.


No worries there, I have letters of reference from the Directors of Staff and Administration, essentially the CEO and COO. I'm smart enough not to crap a big pile and then step in it.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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A new career...

Nice job and congrats, I will be throwing my hat in the ring as well once I get my stips together. Im curious to know how your family reacted if I may? My family thinks im nuts but see my determination they are slowly coming around. Thanks and good luck

They think I've lost my ever loving mind.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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A new career...

Well, I went and did it. Finally had my fill of smart a$$ doctors, embittered nurses, crooked insurance companies (now that I think about it I may not get away from that one), sleazy drug company reps and all the other assorted curses of the healthcare industry in America today. I decided I was still young enough (46) to enjoy myself and knowing that I'm hopelessly strung out on driving and travel, why not combine the two and get my cdl.

So, day after tomorrow, July 27 2016, I begin my new career at Charlotte Truck Driving School. You should have seen the look on the DoN's (Director of Nursing) face when I handed in my resignation, along with several suggestions on what and where she she could shove various medical devices and my personal recommendation that she commit a fairly impossible act of self copulation. That had been building for five years and thanks to an impressive act of restraint, she had no idea I held her in such total contempt.

But I digress...

I have been lurking around this board for several months now, learning what I could and living vicariously threw the exploits of you professional drivers. I thought I'd just say hello and thanks to all the experienced, and not so experienced, drivers who have given me the guts to follow an old dream.

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