Profile For Alexander D.

Alexander D.'s Info

  • Location:
    Champaign, IL

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 8 months ago

Alexander D.'s Bio

Been a Real Estate Investor for many many years and took some odd jobs here and there, Lived around these United States and enjoy Riding my Harley and Shooting my guns if I have spare time. Eating Clean and being fit is pretty high in my priority list although, I fall short sometimes. I remember my 7th grade teacher mentioned I should become a 'bus driver' - a bus driver.......... well some few years later I am studying from the CDL book and start school soon. I plan to go OTR with a large Corp. and put in my year of gruel and see where to go from there. I am a hard , focused and tenacious worker with nothing but time and a good attitude.

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Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Slowly but Surely

Well finally got into Truckers school got my cdl permit to drive passing three tests and now I'm in the yard backing up a rig. I'm finding it hard to keep that rig straight though it looks so dang easy. I've already parrarell parked and off set parked and backed up once or twice all the way back between the lines but sometimes it's a complete cluster star out there and I'm all jammed up - I get discouraged a bit but remain positive. Anyone find backing up tricky? Is it just repetition and practice ?

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Stupid Question Time

I am now starting school later this month - so this means I must push myself to study , study ,study. So I think I should focus on the three (three?) basics. General Knowledge , Air Brakes & combo vehicles in order to pass my CDL Test ............. Is this right .. What's your opinion ...

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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CDL Training Material

I keep getting the same questions over and over again :

"Ok it's time to review some of the materials.

The reason we're doing a review is because your overall score is below the 85% minimum.

If you get all of these review questions correct there should only be two sets of review questions and then you'll continue on to new materials.

Best of luck!"

Is this normal ?

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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Start Trucker's School in October @ Drive 160

Study Study Study and other tips?

Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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Safety Million Mile Goals

Funding may have been freed up in this State of IL for me to attend Truckin' school. Finally might be attending 160 in Late October and so I need to study ,focus and pass those exams. Then do my research and find a job. I'm supposing I think of that first year of OTR Big Riggin' as the gauntlet. Been some talk about dings and people get fired ect.......Some where between experience, instinct and confidence I trust in God and want to make it through the first year with a gold star. So what I think is stick to 'tried and true' standard of operations, communicate often with DM, always take it slow and cautious. Always communicate intent with DM. What is some principles to adopt to make it through your first year with a %100 safety rating of OTR Rigging?

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Trucking Candidate Rep's

Great idea and thanks- I always forget that the answer to some if not many of my questions are already sitting here on this website. I meant to say federal and State funding fell through but I'll keep Truckin'

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Finally did it.

Congrats on the home time and thanks for sharing I learn each time I sign onto here - communication and be stern -- sounds good!!

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Trucking Candidate Rep's

So my State funding fell through - my State funding fell through -- I'd been hoping to get funded to go to Truckers School but that ain't happening anytime soon - in a way it's good since a lot of personal stuff came up lately. Anyway, soon I am thinking okay 'sponsored training' through a company. After speaking to a few 'sales rep's' at these trucker companies I notice how nice they are and want to say that there place is the best ect ect......... This got me to thinking like an actor or a professional athlete. Wouldn't it be interesting if an agent went through all the schools that train 'on the job' and found a really good one for me. I realize I have to come up with reasons to train at one place verses another but these sales reps seem like they promise you the moon. What's some good advice on choosing a company that trains?

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Nomad vs Rental House living

As Dave Ramsey would say........"Live like nobody else, so you can Live like nobody else." Think about it!


Complete immersion into the Trucking Life OTR - gain experience -- gain money --embrace this lifestyle --Dream Big

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Nomad vs Rental House living

It didn't come out right, maybe I should click on this link right above me - Lol

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