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Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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The first two jobs are kind of one job. I worked for covenant then moved to a company they own called star. I did start driving when i joined this forum though, and jumping jobs is a concern of mine. The problem is you never really know what a job is like unless you work it and the was thjngs are going here so far are pretty rough. I probably should give them some more time "to work the kinks out." It just seems like this is how things work in this company and its wearing me down with stress
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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This new job is flatbed heavy haul. Pullins steel coils. I knew, and was prepared for the increased amount of physocal work so that isnt the problem. The problems i have are odd. I will use today as an example,
I started at 7 am and made a delivery with no issue. The trailer i have isnt a normal flatbed, its a coil wagon as they dont have any heavy haul flatbeds available right now, and my dispatcher tried to send me (for the fourth time) to a place that will not load it. I informed her of this and she got me a new load. The new load would have put me 1,000 lbs overweight so i told her and she got me a third load that i could carry. I was picking up in indiana and need to print a permit for the overweight load, she couldnt get me the permit for whatever reason and eventually emailed it to me and my phone wont print on the trucks printer. I decide to go ahead and pick the load up and hope the permit being on my phone will be acceptable. I get to the shipper and find out the appointment to get loaded was for 16:00 not 17:00 as my qualcomm stated (my fault for not checking if the load info was for est or cst i suppose) i call about that and get the man thats on call after 5pm. I accepted part of the responsibility for being late but mentioned that it might be good to let new drivers (ie, me) know things like that.
Things like this happen several times a week and it wouldnt be a problem but when i call about these issues they get ****ed off. They dont say anything out kf the way, i just hear it in their voices, but it makes me very uncomfortable and nervous about calling when i have issues. (Sounds *****y, but ive not had this problem at my previous two jobs) They have driver facing cameras and i was told before i showed up for orientation that they didnt. Half the time my dispatcher doesnt know what im going to get loaded with (number of coils, weight, etc). I would like to give a proper notice but im not sure how much longer i can deal with this.
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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I started with a new company about a month ago. I could list the reasons but im going tp just simplify it and say i am not comfortable with this job and the kind of stress it puts on me. I have an offer for anither job but the orientation starts next week. If i send a message over qualcomm and tell them not to diapatch me next week because im bringing the truck in this weekend, can they hit me with a quit under dispatch on my DAC report?
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Sorry to dig this thread out of the grave. But I got in contact with a couple guys that work for them and have worked for them. It seems like if you are willing to put the work in, the company will treat you well.
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Yes, but they dont give you important things like what its like to deal with the office, what they complain about, things like that.
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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I want to know what its like to work for them, how orientation goes, what drug test, what the trucks are like. Basic questions about a company. They just aren't a Big company so I figured chances are small I would find answers here.
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Had worked for Hill transportation near Louisville Kentucky I wanted to ask some questions
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Thanks so much for the reply. I'm just very nervous about it, I would hate to ruin my career over something so stupid.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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I started driving 9 months ago and a couple months before that I quit smoking pot. I've been applying to a lot of places but I've turned down jobs that do hair tests because I've heard they can go back over a year depending on the test used. Would the people I've applied to and turned the jobs down for be able to report that on my MVR?
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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Thinking of going into trucking
I wish I would have started trucking before my family came along. I love this job. Without obligations you could live in your truck and save a very good nest egg if you manage your money well. It's not a job for everybody of course, giving it a shot isn't a terrible thing to do either, you dont have to keep trucking if the lifestyle doesn't fit you. The experience is different for everybody as well so you could get an opinion from everybody on the forum and still not experience anything we went through. In the end it's up to you, it's an opportunity, for better or worse. Just be smart, cautious, and careful if you do decide to get behind the wheel. Good luck out there. :)