Odem, TX
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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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CDS Tractor Trailer Training in Virginia
Congrats! Where are you heading to next?
Not sure yet, I am looking at a few companies....I've got a pending legal matter to clear up and then I'll make the final decision.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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CDS Tractor Trailer Training in Virginia
Well. this is my final post to this thread, yesterday I tested and passed and got my CDL!
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?
Military for 11 years, then corporate IT sales, then high end IT Hardware sales, then I was a principal hardware engineer, then I got out of IT and into politics, that was short lived! Now, I test tomorrow for my CDL. HAHAHA
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Been in school since Monday. I got my pre trip to study wow lots to remember in a short time Any advice on this?
There are any number of ways to get this thing down, but if you break it down, you really are just saying the same thing over and over and over again! Once you learn what all the parts look like, the rest is pretty easy to remember! I practice every morning as soon as I get to school, then again during lunch if I'm back early. I also say the parts I can see every time I see a truck on the road, at a red light, or in a parking lot. Funny story, a few weeks ago I went to Denny's for breakfast on a Sunday morning, it is in a Flying J. After I ate an awesome truck caught my eye in the parking lot so I walked over to have a look. Without thinking about it I automatically started pretripping the front of the truck, OUT LOUD. The owner walked up behind me and I didn't realize it, just as I bent down to look underneath for leaks he cleared his throat and said "would you like me to open the hood for you?". I almost lost it. HAHAHA He showed me his truck and also walked through the pre-trip with me on his awesome truck. HAHAHA It was a really cool experience.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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CDS Tractor Trailer Training in Virginia
So, it has been a while since I've updated this. I have completed the classroom portion of training last week. This week we have been on the yard all week doing A LOT of straight backing and offset backing. I am killing both of those, the instructors said they think I was doing it in the womb they came so easy, but parallel parking is a completely different story! I am struggling with that but am continually improving. Every day I do about a 20 mile trip on the road and handle the truck very well. My upshifting is great, my downshifting has gotten better every day and is going good now. This morning we were tested on the pretrip, we have been practicing it every morning except for the inside of the truck and the brake portions. I only missed 1 point on the entire thing but need a little more practice on the inside portion. I am scheduled to test Tuesday at the DMV for my license, I will see how I do Monday and if I don't drastically impprove my parallel parking I may push the test off until Thursday, we shall see! Thanks for reading.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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CDS Tractor Trailer Training in Virginia
Day 10 was classroom all day and the half way point!
Day 11 was on the yard. We did a lottle straight backing....got that down. Then more offset backing...after a couple tries I was killing it and able to do the maneuver most times with no pullups! After lunch we went on the road for the first time. OH MY, I had good spped and truck control, I feel sorry for the transmission in that truck though, hahaha. The guy that drove before me did worse than I did, but I definitely need to work on double clutching.
Day 12 was more classroom, we only have 1 more classroom day, day 14, the remainder will be on the yard. I'm gonna miss tomorrow due to a doctor's appointment that I couldn't het rescheduled, a little bummed but life happens!
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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CDS Tractor Trailer Training in Virginia
Leaving early is always good. They should have let you play with the trucks though. That's more fun ;)
In this location, the yard is not at the same place as the classroom facilities. If I were still at the Woodford campus that would have been a possibility.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Texarkana College Professional Driving Academy
The high road training is a great place to work on your knowledge! The app for your phone is really good to fill in the gaps in your day and gert some extra studying in as well.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Congrats man, let us all know how it goes. I am interested in more info on Comcar too!
Posted: 4 years, 3 months ago
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Handicap truck parking spaces???
Hopper, you are 100% correct there! 80% disabled vet here, have a HC Placard that I rarely use, don't need a waiver to pass my DOT either. But when I do need to use it, I am thankful there is a space available! Normally I am the guy who likes to park as far in the back of the lot as possible as far away from the buffet bandits as I can get!! I am also "that guy" who will not hesitate to call the state troopers to ticket the lazy drivers parking in those spaces without a placard! Have fun explaining the $250 minimum fine and CSA points to you company!