Profile For Retha M.

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    Clinton, MS

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    Company Driver In Training

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Driver in training

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Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Some advice after getting sent home from orientation for a felony....

Hello guys. I have been searching everywhere for a job. I've been contacted by a company called Savannah Traders LLC out of Kansas. They only have 6 trucks and they 1099. I can't find much on them but is it normal for tiny companies to do that? I understand it's like subcontracting but I would not be leasing the truck so I'm confused. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Some advice after getting sent home from orientation for a felony....

Thanks so much everyone. I have applied to over 100 companies. And tractor man CC was one of them. And Matthew B I believe y'all called him that and he was not offended. I also understand the attitude of the guy who is at CC. Sure we made a mistake, but the majority of us when given an opportunity are very loyal and work our butts off simply because someone gave us the chance. As bad as people talked about Swift I was intending to work hard for them which my earlier post reflect because I thought I had a chance and in my world that is a blessing. But it didn't work out. Their lose. I will keep y'all posted on what happens because I know some of you are cheering for me. So thanks for that. I will be successful I'm just not sure where yet. Oh and for the one who wanted to know so badly what I did my charge was homicide. But for all of the people who love to judge I have a question? If someone beat and raped you and left you for dead and it took 6 weeks in a hospital to recover what would you do? So when you see felon from someone unless you have walked in their shoes you don't know what happened. Again thanks to everyone.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Some advice after getting sent home from orientation for a felony....

I've been out 10 yrs and a few months. I have found somewhere to stay temporarily as of this morning. You went into it for the same reason I wanted to. I have had good jobs but they never let you forget. And in trucking it seems if you are safe, on time and work hard that people forget the mistake. Thanks

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Some advice after getting sent home from orientation for a felony....

Rick s I fully disclosed it. Obviously that's why they forgave the money for school. I didn't lie what I meant was when you have a felony you should never lie about it. They'll find out. And thanks Brett.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Some advice after getting sent home from orientation for a felony....

Thanks for the replies so far. Old School I have enjoyed your post and appreciate the advice. I will contact them also. And no I'm pretty much by myself. Years ago when I did get out I realized quick that most ex-cons don't try to do the right thing. So I have pretty much isolated myself just working and coming home. Trucking for me was a major choice to change my life and get out and meet people. I'm a workaholic. Because of my felony I thought I did my research well. I chose swift because of their size thinking if freight slowed some they would still have some. I have a good business head and am a numbers person so the numbers made sense. So I made sure I disclosed everything. I worked my butt off in school. Scored well on test. Zero on pre trip and I had the whole truck, zero on skills and 20 on road. Can't tell you how excited I was. Failed first road test but after posting here and a helpful phone call with a member went in Monday and passed. Just have had the air knocked out of me and feel really list. I have always tried to do the right thing. And I watch people who don't do well. I can't figure it out.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Some advice after getting sent home from orientation for a felony....

Hello guys. I've posted before and need some help. I recently graduated from swift and got my CDL. A dream of mine. On the day I checked in to the hotel I received a phone call from them saying they pulled me from orientation. I have a 25 yr old felony that I fully disclosed and discussed with my recruiter who stated it was not a problem. For the record it is not a sex offense. Anyway filled out the forms had an interview with safety and was still declined. I was more than upset. My recruiter knew I packed up my home and had planned to be on the road constantly. So now I am homeless and no job. Then she calls me Thursday and told me that since it was her fault I don't owe them for the school. A blessing but strange to me after all I've read, but I had them send me an e-mail stating that while I wait for the certificate. But that doesn't help my situation . I have done many apps but haven't heard anything. I need my road training or I'm screwed. I'm not bashing swift. The folks at the academy were great and a few are trying to help me figure this out. Still does anyone have any advice or a direction I can go in that I haven't thought of. Anything would be helpful. And thank all of you for everything I have read here it has always been helpful.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Denied at JP. Question about being unemployed and notaraized letter.

I recently finished swift. A guy in my class had the same issue. He needed notorized letters from 3 people who could verify his situation. Talk to the recruiter they will tell you exactly what you need. I start orientation Tuesday and will run it by them.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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This Is How We Roll!

I am with Swift. I recently finished school and start orientation this week. I did my research and kept coming back to the same question, if they are so bad how are they so successful? School was hard and awesome all at once. I learned the first week that the instructors figured out who really wanted it. They went above and beyond even opening up the range one weekend for extra practice. I love TT. I have lurked for some time. But reading how much y'all loved what you do and are always positive has helped me tremendously . Attitude plays a large role in this. But positive breeds positive. So I will continue to work hard and if I need advice I have experts here! Thanks everyone.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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CDL school in roosevelt, Utah

I just finished my training with swift. The first 2 days getting our paperwork straight. Wednesday in truck doing straight line backing. Tested on the skill Thursday then spent Friday on pre trip. The next week in trucks doing backing maneuvers. Evaluated on those the end of that week. Third week in the trucks on the road. First day spent on the shifting range. I learned a lot in those short weeks. Our instructors were all about safety and the task at hand. Not sure what you are learning from what you say but it doesn't sound right. I understand logs are for practice but at the same time that tracks your lab hours. So if you say you were not given adequate training your own logs say otherwise. And you only hurt yourself. Trucking is not easy and can be deadly if we aren't careful. Good luck to you.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Finished swift

Actually trained in Memphis. It was 110 but on the asphalt range it increased. A lot thrown at you in a short time but actually enjoyed myself. The instructors were great. But this is definitely a life style and not just a job. Have a new respect for the ones who have been doing this for a while. A lot to learn and I am just beginning.

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