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Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Can I pass the dot exam with my disability
Hello all, I'm doing my research on weather I can pass the dot exam with my disability, I am a hard of hearing wearing cochlear implant. I walk with a cane but walk just fine. But to carry something heavy will be an issue. I am 5'0 so I'm assuming climbing in the truck could be an issue but I believe I can do it. Same goes for climbing on the trailer to strap down whatever load to be tie down. I preferred to drive automatic trucks. I wanted to see what everyone opinon on it.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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I remember there was an article a while back about allowing anyone who is deaf to be allowed to start driving the trucks. I have no problem driving a vehicle which I do everyday, used to have a manual car. I just wasn't sure how strict the companies are about physical requirement. but thanks guys I will go about seeing the medical examiner and hopefully he gives me the okay.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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What do you mean by hearing whisper? like someone whispering to you at a distance of 5 feet? and the knee issue, now day every company has automatic transmission so I figure I wouldn't have to worry but I'm sure that some companies has manual transmission.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Hello, my Name is Noah and I'm doing reseach to see if I should go for it or don't bother trying. here the story, I have always wanted to drive trucks and going on the road but whats stopping me is that I walk with a cane due to weak knee (left knee) but I can climb in and out if I want to. I'm also hard of hearing cochlear implant. that pretty much it. oh I'm 5' foot tall. what is your take gentlemen?
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Can I pass the dot exam with my disability
Let hope the medical examiner will let me pass the exam. I have no problem signing the medical waiver if I have to. What would be the most physical work when you're on the road beside sleep?