Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
Social Link:
Kanelin On The Web
No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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After 20 years as a nurse, working critical care and ER, I was done. Done with not being able to do my job because I had to do more and more charting. Done with someone breathing down my neck. Done with being expected to do more and more with less and less. I hated going in every night knowing that I would not be able to give my patients the care they deserved because checking boxes, money and kissing people's rear ends was more important than making sure people were given the best care possible.
Do I regret it? Not a bit. Would I go back? Not in today's climate. Do I miss it? Some of it. To be completely honest, I was at my best taking care of the sickest patients. I was very good at it. I miss doing that.
Am I happy to be doing this? You bet your bippy! My FM sends me a load and leaves me alone. I can go for a week or more without anything but routine messages. There is a freedom here that I have never had. Every day is different. And there are challenges every day. Cant think of anything that i would rather do!
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Start here. All of the companies that train are on here. And all of them have good programs or they wouldn't still be training.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Sometimes things get missed, and not just in trucking. I can call my FM and get my pay straight in a minute. As for detention, my company (Prime) pays detention to us when they get paid. Sometimes the customers won't pay it, and sometimes,drivers try to get more than they should, which screws us honest drivers.
As far as mileage pay, I have never not gotten paid for my miles.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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N00b Questions You (Probably) Have But Were Afraid To Ask!
I run cruise except in (relatively) heavy rain and traffic. With adaptive cruise, when it's engaged and somebody cuts you off to take an offramp it will slam on the brakes. To me not using CC invites problems like blood clots in the legs, esp the right leg. Plus it's just plain uncomfortable. Since I'm old (according to Rainy) and comfort is very important to me.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Saw a sign in PA on I70 at the end of ok me of the construction zone: "End Boring Area."
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Forum Announcement: New Moderation System In Place
Be very careful or Brett will break out the holy handgrenade!
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Intervening on accident scenes
Good samaratin laws do protect medical personnel, as long as they don't exceed their scope of practice and specialized training. In some states, providers are required to stop and provide assistance. I witnessed a man getting hit by a car once. At the time I was a licensed RN with advanced trauma and life support certs. I stopped and provided what care I could. I was in scrubs, on my way to work. Funny, the GD guys backed me off, but I new the said people that showed up, rode with them to the ER.
I couod nor do most of the things I did that night now. I'm no longer a licensed RN and my certs are not valid without the license. Even if I still had an active license, I would hesitate to provide more than basic care as I'm not working in tgat field. Hate to give lawyers any ammo.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Forum Announcement: New Moderation System In Place
I cut my forum teeth on the old mmo gaming forums where trolls were more prevalent the honest posters. I didn't like it then, and like it even less now. The atmosphere here is one of the reasons I came here, and stayed. While I know it makes more work for you guys, I appreciate it. Thank you!
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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How much "You" time do you have at the end of the day?
Ray, as you can see, there are many answers to your question. It really varies from trip to trip and from driver to driver. I typically like to run my clock so I don't have to take a 34 he reset. This normally means 8-8.5 hrs of driving, 15-20 min for pretrip and about 10 mins for fueling if needed. If I am loading or unloading that changes. Today, for instance I drove the last 90 miles to deliver; then spent 5 hrs for unload. I have a load tomorrow morning about 180 miles away. I drove 150 of that, got the trailer washed out and parked. All by 1700. My appt tomorrow is 0800 so I will leave at 0545 to get there about an hour early. That's 12 hours off. Now, if I get loaded fast tomorrow, I hope to get in 5-7 hrs of driving. Again to be done by around 1700. I will start the next day at around 0600 since I won't be near any major cities and run til 1600-1700.
Every day is different, one of the nice things about this job.
As far as detention, after a certain # of hours waiting at a customer you get paid an hourly rate. That's after you appt time. I was an hour early this morning and waited 4 hrs after my appt time so I'll get 2 hrs detention.
All this should be clear as mud now...
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Been at this delivery all day.
Picked up a load the other day that was supposed to be picked up the day before. Waited 10 hrs.
And this one time, not at band camp, it took a Wal-Mart dc 9 hrs to unload and count 9 pallets of pineapples...