Profile For John F.

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    8 years, 7 months ago

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Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Looking for paid training

THAT'S what I was just wondering about! TT is the BEST place to find out REAL information! Too many rabbit holes on this internet

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Perfectly planned trip THWARTED by a FLAT TIRE !

Thanks for passing on the info. Tractor Man! I haven't made it to a CDL school yet, so all the Trucking Truth information is REALLY helpful. Trying to soak as much in as possible - wife tells me I'm hiding in our computer room.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Checking the possibility of a career as a truck driver

I've been told that I usually give more information than requested; keeps my conscience clear, I guess, as I feel as though I haven't hidden anything. But, as Danny G. says - if they don't ask then don't tell.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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And thanks to whomever it was that put in a picture for me for these forums!

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Thanks Danny G.! Just read a little more about Celadon's program and I've now drifted into the Driver Solutions/PAM lane based on the discussions. Hopefully they've gotten their act together a little better since those were written (about 2 years ago), but PAM stays East of the Miss. so I'll probably end up at their place. Drawback is no free meals and still a distance to travel for training (Indianapolis). Going to talk to the trucking schools Monday morning asking them questions about program and who might hire me from there. Thanks again for the reply!

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Hey there newbies! I live near Akron, Ohio; would like to get my CDL A locally; narrowed schools down to 6 that are less than 60 miles away so I could stay at home, but they're pretty expensive (4995 up to 6995); they all have financing, but I'm probably going to go the company sponsored route so I'm positive of having a job when I complete the training. I have also talked to Driver Solutions (for PAM trucking) and looking into Quality Driving School (for Celadon). I narrowed it down to those 2 if I go the company sponsored route, but each has the closest training facility in Indianapolis. I'm kinda' rolling on too much information for me to decide correctly which one I need to choose. I'm 53, married with grown kids, already told my wife I'd most likely be gone for 3 weeks at a time no matter which I choose, but I like the presumed Celadon pay scale compared to PAM. Anyone have any suggestions on which might be the better choice? I like the fact that Celadon's training school doesn't charge for meals. This is one of the reasons I was thinking a local school would be more in line. Guess I have to find out which companies the local schools might get me hired into before I start.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Drivers Solutions/PAM Transport Training Log.

Brett, I am SO glad to see that you are keeping up with this site. Your insight and experiences are really turning out to be the pot at the end of the rainbow for me as I'm doing all this research on getting into driving truck. Just wanted to let you know that you are appreciated; and everyone else that has ever had any input to TT! Thank you ALL!


I didn't quit.........They booted me after the 3rd test.


Sorry, my bad. Carla said she quit and I thought you had too.


Although it seems I am bashing stevens as a whole I am not, just their academy


I understand. Obviously they train a ton of students that get through their academy successfully but it seems something about the instructors you had or the way they went about things didn't resonate with you. You seem to be doing great now with PAM so obviously it wasn't that you couldn't handle trucking or couldn't learn.

Hopefully things keep going great where you're at. Just focus on safety at all times and get that year of experience in with PAM. Once you do that a lot of opportunities will open up, both within PAM and at other companies.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Trucking nightmares?

Thank you G-Town - I've pretty much scanned most of these already and have an interview tomorrow with a school. This site has been really helpful as I'm going to have many questions that need answered and I WON'T sign on any dotted lines in a knee-jerk reaction. More research; more research; more research; etc. etc.

John F. got lost in the fray:


Don't have CDL yet - I am considering a local trucking school as well as company paid training school. I'm 53, married, mortgage, 2 grown independent kids, and on information overload! This is an awesome site (trucking truth). Been very helpful, but I would like some informed guidance.


Welcome John F. I didn't notice this during the parade of comedic replies. Information overload, happens a lot. So first off, its always best to start in the beginning. Whenever someone writes a post like yours were recommend the following:

All three of these links will help you to have a realistic set of expectations, establish a good base of knowledge and the Highroad Training program will significantly improve your ability pass the required CDL Permit exams.

Once you have reviewed that take a look at Paid CDL Training Programs and Truck Driving School Listings.

The remaining threads can help you piece the training information into the best fit for you:

Did you say something about information overload? Please let us know what questions you have and specifically what guidance are you looking for.

Good luck!

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Trucking nightmares?

Don't have CDL yet - I am considering a local trucking school as well as company paid training school. I'm 53, married, mortgage, 2 grown independent kids, and on information overload! This is an awesome site (trucking truth). Been very helpful, but I would like some informed guidance.

Instead of a spare key, Gtown needs an extra pair of pants hidden under the hood.

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