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Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Employer history issue guidance?
Hi, I have been driving 4 years now and was wondering about an issue I am having. I unfortunately have been terminated by 2 of my 3 employers. If you must know i was late on a 3rd load when I was a new driver and on the second dealt with a HOS violation which I disputed. Other then that I have no tickets, accidents or anything else. As a result of these 2 terms I am having great difficulty with prospective new employers ( I am driving now but not too happy with current position). I was wondering if I went the lease route, instead of company driver, would I have an easier time finding employment? THX
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Companies with looser hiring criteria???
Thanks. I meant irrelevant due to the fact as you pointed out it is listed as Termination now on my DAC and the fact i'm contesting it wont matter. It probably wont matter to a future employer as all they will see is Termination unless I can get company to change it.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Companies with looser hiring criteria???
Hi, I need some advise on companies that will hire a driver with 2 terminations on my record. One of which I completely dispute but at this point that is irrelevant. I have a good driving and accident record along with no criminal history. The one termination I do not dispute is because of a third late delivery. That occurred due to my poor trip planning skills as a new driver and I have not been late with a load for 2 years now. Thanks for any carriers you might recommend.
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Companies that DONT check DAC report?
Anyone know of any companies that dont check DAC for sure? Thanks