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Posted:  11 years, 7 months ago

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Driving record


Well I have put alot of thought into the matter and I think the right thing to do is be honest and take my chances. I know that at least one job is off the table. I still dont understand how these companies can do this though since it wont affect them in any kind of way because it has been so long ago. In my opinion theses companies could be turning down potentialy very good drivers.


They do loose some god drivers but in the eyes of the insurance companies they rather loose one good drive than risk loosing millions in a law suit. Its not the trucking companies tha are really doing it. Its the insurance companies that control who companies hire and don't hire. Even though it was a long time ago the way lawyers think is 1 mistake ....well ok everyone messes up....2 mistakes of the same nature....there is a pattern here we do not want to deal with.

So, are you saying that one DWI committed about 25 years ago won't mean anything to a recruiter or the insurance company? I had one and I'm currently trying to get info on that and a couple other things before I invest a lot of money in a school. I keep getting conflicting information on this.

Are there any recruiters that lurk around here that can give folks a general idea of how this whole deal works?

Posted:  11 years, 7 months ago

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Look in the Mirror

I too, fiddled around with CB when I was young, and things are much different now then they were then.

A couple of years ago, I received some gift cards from a promotion, so I decided to use them to get a unit for my motorhome. Went down to the shop, picked one out, they installed it, tuned the antenna, and off I went. I got out on the interstate and turned the thing on, and I was shocked at the arguing and abusive language that was going. I'm definitely not a stranger to foul language, but even by my standards, it was over the top. I shut the thing off and it just sat under my dash, gathering dust.

A few months later I was traveling in LA and had a blowout. I pulled over and grabbed my phone to call roadside, and realized that I had no service in that area. So, I thought about it for a minute, remembered I had a CB, then went back in and got on channel 9 to see if I could raise the local sherriffs or maybe a roadside assistance truck, if LA had them.

Well I turned her, on went to 9, and all that's coming out of the speaker is Spanish. I don't have much of a problem with this other than the fact the 9 is supposed to be for emergencies only. So, in my best broken Spanish I break and ask that the air be cleared so I can contact some assistance.

I never knew that Spanish had so many colorful swear words. I learned a few good ones that day.

I finally just shut the damn thing off and walked down the interstate for a few hundred yards until I could find a signal for my phone. I never turned on that radio again. Matter of fact, when I sold the MH, the guy that bought it asked me if I was going to get the radio out and I told him he could have it. My new motorhome never got a CB.

Cell service has pretty much rendered the CB obsolete. And, since the FCC isn't monitoring CB and enforcing the rules, CB is now just inhabited by a bunch of idiots.

I am in the process of obtaining a CDL and getting a driving job right now, and I have already decided that CB will not be a tool I will be using, unless it is a last resort. If a company i drive for has them in their cabs, that's fine, but I won't spend my money to put one in. It's a waste of a couple hundred bucks, if you ask me.

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