Profile For Kramer

Kramer's Info

  • Location:
    Rapid City, SD

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 8 months ago

Kramer's Bio

I've been driving for a while now, worked for large and small outfits, pulling dry vans, reefers, and open deck trailers, OTR, regional, and local.

Now working as a driving instructor

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Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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How to stay the heck awake??!!

I drive no more than 4 to 5 hours per shift (or block, if you will) and then stop for at least 2 hours for a nap. Then I drive another 4 to five hours and stop for at least 8 hours. Rinse and repeat and you have completed an 8/2 split to reset your clock; and your never driving long, so fatigue doesn't become a problem.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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YATD - Yet Another Training Diary

Part 2 starts today.

Sunday, Jan 1, 2017:

I'm packed an ready to go. I'll be leaving later this afternoon to drive to Indianapolis, IN to attend orientation beginning Tuesday, Jan 3. I'll stop for the night just north of Louisville, KY and finish the last hour or so of the drive Monday morning. That will get me into Indy rested and leave me plenty of time to check into the dorm at CDA and find my way around the campus.

For my fellow radio amateurs: I'll be monitoring the 2m FM calling frequency and transmitting my position via APRS.

For anyone on CB radio: I'll also be monitoring CB channels 19 & 21

For anyone who is interested in tracking my progress: You can track my position as reported via APRS by clicking here.

I'll post my next update after I arrive at Celadon Driving Academy on Monday. And I'll resume weekly updates on my training at that time.

I hope that everyone has a happy, safe, and prosperous new year!

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Thanks for everything you do for us.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Deleted thread: Did I violate some protocol?

Thank you Brett.

I hope you didn't think that I was attempting to convince everyone to get their amateur radio license, buy some expensive equipment, and abandon the TT Tracker.

I was only wanting to provide those who were interested with an interesting demonstration of the capabilities of amateur radio. We often talk about how CB radio is a useful tool, so I thought that my thread was appropriate for this forum.

I'm interested how the TT Tracker updates. Does it automatically update my position using my ip address when I log in? I'm glad to know that it works in real time, although I don't understand how that's possible.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Deleted thread: Did I violate some protocol?

The thread that I started about near-real time tracking using amateur radio and APRS has been deleted.

Can anyone explain why?

Moderators: Do you have access to my email address? If you'd rather not discuss it in the open forum, please contact me via email.

I hope that I haven't offended anyone or broken any rules of order.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Trucking is Tough

Old School said:

I got confused on who said what.

Sometimes I get confused on what I said,

so it kind of balances out.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Trucking is Tough

Old School said:

Jason, earlier you stated this...

My take-away from the many conversations on this forum and the advise that is regularly given is this:

Most drivers fail because they enter this industry with unrealistic expectations.

Actually, I said that.

And for what its worth, my only expectation is the potential to earn 30 to 40 thousand dollars per year and to be living in the truck for 45 to 47 weeks per year. Anything that I get in excess of that (more money, recognition of my efforts, etc.) I will consider only as bonuses.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Thought that I was overpacking

Vendingdude said:

I think it'd be easier once in the truck to have two or three smaller bags than one big one. Easier to find things and stash them than tripping over one big bag.

My thoughts exactly. In fact that was (and is) my primary question in this thread.

I'm still trying to figure out just how big is a big bag, and how small is a smaller one?

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Trucking is Tough


I hear what your saying and understand where you are coming from. I'm retired from the construction industry and was also an organizer for the union (IBEW), so I know what its like out there for the skilled trades. Chasing a diminishing slice of a diminishing pie is the colorful way of saying that we are quickly approaching obsolescence.

By the numbers:

You already know that you wont be home every night, and that you'll have the equivalent of half as many weekends off as compared to those who only work 40 hours & 5 days per week. But that's not the problem that your facing... your either getting less than 40 hours and cant pay your bills, or your working 6 or 7 days a week and have no time for your family. Compared to your work/life balance when you were deployed and your current status, trucking is not likely to be too challenging.

My take-away from the many conversations on this forum and the advise that is regularly given is this:

Most drivers fail because they enter this industry with unrealistic expectations.

If you recognize the facts that you may not always get home time exactly when you request it, that you will drive more miles then you get paid for, that you will have good weeks and bad (meaning good and bad paychecks), and that the entire industry is performance based then you have a better chance to succeed.

Of course I wrote the previous paragraph for myself as much as I did for you since I am now 48 hours out before I leave for orientation for my first driving job. Read every bit of Brett's book, every article on every topic that is recommended, and as many training diaries and other threads on this forum as you can stand. Make sure you have an honest and accurate picture of the lifestyle required for this industry and then you should be able to decide if you - and your family - and trucking, are a good fit.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Thought that I was overpacking

Thanks G-Town,

I've added two pair of thermals to my kit and although I didn't list them, I do indeed have the three pair of gloves that you mentioned (plus one pair of brown jersey gloves) packed.

I'll have my bibs in the car (I'm driving to orientation) but I won't worry about making room for them in my bags.

I like your suggestion for storing my fuel gloves in a zip-lock bag - they are great general storage items - and will add a few to my kit.

I'll be departing in about 60 hours, so I am into the final phase of preparation.

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