Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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I'm an 11-year-old aspiring truck driver from Rhode Island. Only 10 years to go... I wanted to do auto transport with United Road, but they don't do a lot of OTR, and it gets rid of the "fun" of backing up to docks. Now I want to do Owner-Op with Landstar, after a few years driving company for Western Express. Yes, I'm 11 and already have my future planned out. I consider myself very... Let's say, well planned ;). Already have hundreds of hours on simulators, and am nonstop studying the industry. I'm not very good at keeping up with profile bios, so at this point, I may be older that 11 ;).
"The secret to happiness is freedom... And the secret to freedom is courage." - Thucydides
Posted: 4 years, 10 months ago
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Wow. As a young voice around here you have always had a hungry mind. Hope all is well. I am about to jump back into trucking, it is in my blood now. I don't have a quote for you right now. Just glad to see you back.
I can tell you many owner ops are having trouble now because freight prices are low. This reinforces our advice to stay company.
Hey! That's fine, glad to be here! Yeah, I've seen a lot about that. I don't think I am really going to include it as it'd take way too much space to explain to middle schoolers how that all works lol.
Posted: 4 years, 10 months ago
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Hello all! Long time no see. I haven't been active in this forum for forever now, but I am now 14 and still in love with trucks. I am a part of my (now temporarily online) school's newspaper, and we are publishing a special edition all about COVID-19. I am writing about essential workers and how they've come to be so essential now even though they always have been (that's a bad way of wording it, but similar to that). I have written a paragraph in there about truck drivers and could use some help. I need a couple of quotes for my article, and I don't know any truckers IRL, so I've turned to you! I just need some answers for a couple of short questions:
How is life on the road different now than it was before?
How have people been treating you? Is it any different than before?
And then the name I should credit you as in the article.
Thanks in advance! I'm going to try to be active here again :).
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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Wv has a lack of truckstops , pilots/flying j anyway. That combined with mountains means you should try to get fuel before you go through there. I was a complete rookie, low on fuel and time due to poor trip planning. Got through Charleston and all that on 64. Almost out of time and pull into this pilot in nitro. It has about 15 spots, half of those being reserved and directly behind the fuel island. I had to wait in line to fuel, then back through the island to park, AND pay because it was a reserved spot. Lesson learned
I actually just got back from a long road trip (17 days) yesterday, and we stopped there. Trucks lined up down the street, and the car fuel islands (it was huge too, at least 14-15 pumps) were all lined up through the entire parking lot (which both the truck and car sections were TINY.)
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Situations Where Truckers Did The Right Thing
Couldn't think of a good title, basically, just experiences you've had with other truckers doing a good job at avoiding an accident, helping out, etc.
Here's mine: Last summer we went to Florida. On I-81 north on the way back, we were cruising along about to pass a Swift truck, and then suddenly he puts on his turn signal, gives a hand signal out the window, and moves into our lane. At first, I wondered why he did it, and then I looked out the back window. There was a huge tire in that lane, kind of near the shoulder so he couldn't have gone onto the shoulder. The tire was upright, and an old owner-op Columbia a few trucklengths behind him hit the tire and wrecked into the embankment. Had the Swift truck not done that, he would have wrecked himself and us. Also, it was nice that not just my mom but also others behind us saw the hand motion and backed off to let us hit the brakes to let him over. As for the Columbia, well... yeah. Also, not that it matters, but that Swift driver was a Diamond Driver and million mile driver for Swift.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Old skool u pay to much to details might get u in trouble one day but it is good to stay sharp.
You just said that one of the, if not the, hardest workers in this forum will "get in trouble one day" for paying too much attention to details. This thread is getting out of hand.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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You officially drive the coolest truck on the forum haha
I second this. Pretty cool for a company truck. That thing's awesome.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Today and tomorrow the RI DOT is putting up the toll gantries for commercial vehicles. As of Monday, the $20 toll will be in effect. Just figured I'd let y'all know.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Nevermind what I said... I wasn't thinking when I posted that. If you could take that down I'd appreciate it. I do get what you're saying though.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Last year there were many common names, now most of them are small companies that nobody knew existed. That makes sense; Bigger companies (some, at least) are caring less and less about you. All they want is your butt in that seat. Smaller companies are, on the other hand, getting better and better.
Posted: 4 years, 10 months ago
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I need a quote from someone!
Thanks for your replies, everyone! I am probably going to include multiple quotes, depending on how long the Editor-In-Chief will let me make the article :P.