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Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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What does Prime check before approving you for orientation?




Not uncommon to be sitting at the Greyhound Bus Station in Springfield MO. waiting for the dog to pick you up and hear of someone who came to Prime Orientation after a background check and the initial thumbs up only to be sent back home at the person's expense when a more in-depth background check was performed.

Although my initial reaction was that these people would not have made the cut in the first place my feeling was that Prime also in a way did jerk their chain a little bit and should have vetted them a little bit more thoroughly before bringing them in from across the country.

Not to pass judgement on the people or be negative about the company I think the blame may be on both sides of the equation to some extent.

The people probably would have been OK and be driving for Prime today if they would have been a bit more level headed and calm about the whole situation and explained themselves.

Being tactful is telling someone where to go and they look forward to the trip :-)



I no longer have anything on my driving record that I think would disqualify me, but I've talked to a lot of other people who've been sent home for "petty" reasons (fired from high school job) or not given the chance to explain when something turns up on their record that the court threw out (falsely accused). It just sucks to go half way across the country and possibly end up stranded. That's the biz, I guess.


They are full of crap. Employment goes back 10 years and they don't care about high school. And when you get there the head of security tells the group "if you have anything questionable come tell me now. It's better to tell me than to have me find it on my own" they will listen. People who lie about it are the ones who get sent home. No one is perfect and they don't expect you to be perfect but they need to know you will take responsibility for your actions and do so in a calm manner. You are going to represent prime and they need to know you are not dangerous and not irresponsible.

I get what you're saying and I agree, I've heard that from others as well. But just for the record, this person was only 24, so 10 years ago WAS high school for him. There were probably other factors as well though, who knows?

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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What does Prime check before approving you for orientation?

For anyone else interested in this topic, it looks like they at least check your MVR and employment history before approving you. I found multiple posts about it on another site so I guess I can trust it; I doubt they were isolated screenings.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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What does Prime check before approving you for orientation?

Not uncommon to be sitting at the Greyhound Bus Station in Springfield MO. waiting for the dog to pick you up and hear of someone who came to Prime Orientation after a background check and the initial thumbs up only to be sent back home at the person's expense when a more in-depth background check was performed.

Although my initial reaction was that these people would not have made the cut in the first place my feeling was that Prime also in a way did jerk their chain a little bit and should have vetted them a little bit more thoroughly before bringing them in from across the country.

Not to pass judgement on the people or be negative about the company I think the blame may be on both sides of the equation to some extent.

The people probably would have been OK and be driving for Prime today if they would have been a bit more level headed and calm about the whole situation and explained themselves.

Being tactful is telling someone where to go and they look forward to the trip :-)

I no longer have anything on my driving record that I think would disqualify me, but I've talked to a lot of other people who've been sent home for "petty" reasons (fired from high school job) or not given the chance to explain when something turns up on their record that the court threw out (falsely accused). It just sucks to go half way across the country and possibly end up stranded. That's the biz, I guess.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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What does Prime check before approving you for orientation?

BEFORE orientation they do check everything . But it isn't as thorough as the check they do once you get there and pass the physical and agility etc. They pay big $$$ for background checks to be very very thorough.

Bringing you in for an interview also gives tbem a chance to question any blemishes or decide on a case by case basis. We had a guy at my class who had a DUI where he was arrested and pled guilty but it was supposed to be expunged after his sentence. They didn't find it before he got there... but... they found it. Even expunged they sent him home. Of course sometimes I think they want to see your reaction too and he was a hot head who started screaming and threatening, he threw a chair across the room. Gone.

A month before I had a background check come up completely blank for another job. Prime brought me in. When I got there they found an incident from years before where my schizophrenic sister claimed I tried to kill her and chased her with three guns. In court she attacked me and was attested. My case was not only dropped but expunged. My sis had been dead almost 5 years by the time I went to prime.

Prime saw it as an arrest but I was never arrested... never read my rights nor fingerprinted. Never mugshot. Never arraigned. She and I had been in family court for 3 years over similar inicdents. She told the judge I come through her electrical wires in Her house.

In the interview they claimed I lied to them and didn't tell them. I honestly didn't think about it nor did I see it as a big deal.

Then I calmed down aND said "the paper asked about CONVICTIONS not arrests. So even if the state of NJ claimed this was an arrest, which i never knew, I was never convicted. Therefore I didn't lie or omit. I also asked how I could get copies of that arrest file since I know I was never arrested.

Turned out that in NJ guns are so evil that because they issued a search warrant for the guns... which I never owned one.. NJ put it as an arrest on ONE file...but not on my main record. Who knows how these things work.

Anyway .. be honest they will find whatever it is. They will give you a chance to explain.

Thanks. I have no doubt they'll find what's on my record. I just want to know if they bother to check before inviting you half way across the country.

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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What does Prime check before approving you for orientation?

See also: Prime Inc Paid CDL Training Program Review

What does Prime Inc check for before allowing you to come to orientation? Do they check your MVR, Criminal, Employment, Addresses?

I've heard some say they only check employment and some say they also check your MVR?

**This is in reference to incoming students, not experienced drivers.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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No record of unpaid tickets

Thanks for letting me know, ladies. I guess I'll suck it up and make the call.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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No record of unpaid tickets

I received 2 tickets a year and a half ago while attending an out-of-state funeral in Florida, one for speeding and the other for not having proof of insurance. Long story short, I still don't have the money to pay the tickets and I haven't heard anything about it.

I recently moved to Georgia a few weeks ago and switched over my license. I don't think Florida reported the unpaid tickets because Georgia didn't prohibit me from switching over my license. I know they are supposed to check the National Register to see if my license was suspended before they issued me a new one, so I'm pretty sure it's not. Both Georgia and my previous state are not a part of the drivers compact (meaning they don't share violations b/w states), so maybe that's why I haven't heard anything. I checked my drivers record to see if the tickets are on there and they're not. It's been almost 2 years now.

Is it possible for the background check to bring up those tickets even though they're not on my MVR?

I would contact Florida and ask but I'm afraid they'll issue a warrant when they find out I still don't have the money to pay the tickets. I've had a background check for a healthcare job recently and nothing popped up.

Should I take my chances and apply for trucking school or call Florida first?

My hope is that my backgrohnd check will come back clear and then I can use the money from training to pay off the tickets. I'm in a financial bind here. I haven't had a decent paying job in 3 years years, so I've been living paycheck to paycheck on Roman noodles.

Any advice would be appreciated. :-/

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