Clearwater, MN
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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First day with company trainer
Shutting the curtain to sleeper seems to have worked. Thanks for the tip Sue! First day went well, although no daily shower will take some getting used to. Thank goodness for baby wipes.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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First day with company trainer
Hey Rick - good luck staying "clean." Both my parents were able to do it using Chantrex (spelling?) after 40+ years of smoking and many, many attempts to quit. They too have a harder time tolerating smokers than I do.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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First day with company trainer
Got a call from trainer "JJ" and HE brought up the smoking issue! I used G-Towns advice and we agreed to each give a little and says he'll limit smoking while up front with window open. JJ seems like a very reasonable guy. Rick - we'll be in my assigned truck, I even get the bottom bunk as JJ says he's the visitor. I must have gotten lucky as my assigned truck doesn't have the stale smell or sticky residue of past smokers. Hitting the road to Kansas City tomorrow afternoon! Thanks for all the replies and safe truck'n.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Some advice after getting sent home from orientation for a felony....
Retail - I had a legal issue too and chose to walk in and apply in person to several companies near where I live. Even though I had this issue AND they stated on their web sites they required 2 years experience, I got two job offers. They both commented on my "clean cut" appearance and willingness to walk in. That first impression seemed to be the key. Good luck!
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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First day with company trainer
A big THANK YOU for TT site! The journey so far has been so much easier with everything I've learned here. Tomorrow I meet my trainer and hit the road. Have to admit I'm more nervous about tomorrow than any other point in the process. I asked for a non-smoking trainer, but have been informed that didn't happen. I'll be training in my assigned truck (vs his). Any advice on how to handle this? I thought I'd bring it up soon after we meet, but not sure how or if I dare ask if he could refrain from smoking in the cab.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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What about a simple compact refrigerator, i.e., Danby 4.5 cu ft?
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Company will be installing my inverter. How long do iceless coolers last? I've been reading everything I can on TruckingTruth since before I started school and Errol I certainly have come to respect your advice!
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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I'd be plugging into a 1800 watt inverter.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Nothing against 12v coolers or frig, but for under $200 a 12"×12"×14" ice maker will make 28 lbs of ice in 16 hours. I figure after 6 months I'd be saving $ vs buying ice.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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6 weeks of training on the road... UHHG!
I'm in my 6th week with a company trainer (3.5 weeks with drill instructor Johnson and my 2nd with a much better fit). Have driven every state west of the Mississippi and another 8 east of it. Driven Donner's Pass and Snoqualmie. Today I made more major mistakes in the first 4 hours than in all the previous weeks put together. Trying to make numerous deliveries where the only option is to block a busy two lane road while backing in. If it weren't for the quick directions/shouts from my trainer I would have hit a car, a couple of signs, a telephone pole, and driven head on into a curb and off the road at 40mph. I'm surprised my trainer has allowed me to keep driving. I'd rather go through Marine Corps boot camp again than do the last 5.5 weeks of training. At 55 years of age, this is the hardest thing I've ever done! As frustrating as 4 years of college all in less than 6 weeks. Please tell me it will get easier!