North Charleston, SC
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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I am a 30 yr old "displaced" LEO. I come from a family of LEO's and true-blood truckers. I have been driving big-rigs now for 3 yrs and like it. The wanderlust has definitely worn off. I have worked for 3 carriers. 2 which didn't work out, and one that went under because he was placed in Intervention TWICE in two years, and failed to maintain his equipment. So naturally, DOT came in and shut him down. I am hauling home building supplies now, but considering getting back into Law Enforcement again.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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#Proudofmyman #BiggestFan #Gothisback #TRIFECTA
What's with all the Pound Signs in the title of the thread? No they are not hash tags. They are pound signs. Thought they might be weird phone numbers or something.
It's a new women texting trend. I don't get it either and my wife does the same thing. Haha
My fiance does the same exact thing. It annoys the Hell out of me. Its like reading a message from someone with Turrets. Along with "HASH-TAG". Its called a POUND SIGN people.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Trucker Humor: Trucking Company Name Acronyms
CRST = Cant Remember School Training, SWIFT= See What I Fried Today, PRIME= People Remember, I Make Excrement
That's all I remember right now.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Trucker Humor: Trucking Company Name Acronyms
J- John B- Boy
H- Have's U- Us N- Naked T- Today
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Am I in Wisconsin, or is this Hoth?
Thanks Old School. That actually makes sense. I know if I personally had to sit up all night (or day) depending when I take my 10hrs just to keep the truck running, I would be one extremely ****ed off Cowboy. I appreciate the clarification.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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I don't get it ...High Road Training halt
I have to give it to Brett. He has done a wonderful job with the study guide. I went to another site and tried the test. There was a thing or two I liked about it better. Like being able to take a complete test all at once and getting a score. But I digress. Without Brett and his program I would have failed completely.
Brett is great at what he does, and I am thankful for that. This is the best way I could have ever studied.
Its nice to see a fellow "Okie". I'm from Dewey, just north of Bartlesville now living in N. Charleston SC. I hope you and your family didn't freeze out the last 2 days.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Any former teachers turned truck drivers?
And you must consider this....Can you handle the stress and the intensiveness of truck driving? What does your family think of feel about it? Do you have kids? Wife? pets? There are thousands of variables to consider when making such a big decision.
I am not trying to persuade you either way. Just helping you consider the dynamics of this decision. Good luck with whatever you should decide to do.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Trucker swerves to avoid crash
That's about 15 minutes from where I use to live. I've been to that Catoosa truck stop many-a-times. And the big Cherokee Hard Rock Casino across from it.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Am I in Wisconsin, or is this Hoth?
So I have a question. Trucks have idle controls, and they typically shut off your truck around 4 minutes unless you depress the clutch or rev the motor up slightly. So are you expected to stay awake the whole time or do they have a way to over-ride the control from your O.C.?
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Hey Chris. I'm really sorry to hear that. I enjoyed meeting you in Cory and was hoping our paths would cross again. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
I aint done yet. I have plans on applying to other companies. I have your number and ThinkstooMuch number. We will all need to meet up one day and have a Ice Cold Pepsi. LOL
HEY! What happened to our lunch with tea? Or did you forget?
I did not forget. You never come through here. As soon as you do, we will do lunch and tea
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Big Rig Repo
Has anyone seen this new show called Big Rig Repossession? This show is intense.