Pensacola , FL
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Experienced Driver
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I have done a total of three different jobs in my short 40 years construction,commercial fishing and now you know
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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What no I don't expect him to be on point at all but I do need to see some improvements in at least a few areas we have e- logs and when you have to show a student every day for over a week how to log on duty or log arrived at a fuel stop shipper or receivers or just log a break it becomes frustrating. I am not sure of his learning style I have said watch this also just talking him threw the maneuver we have sat and watched other drivers back in at truck stops. Even got in open ares and just let him have at it in hopes that maybe I could see a pattern or something to give me a clue as to what he needs and now I am here asking for advice
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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How do you feel about driver facing cameras?
I don't think that a camera faced towards the drivers seat is an invasion of your privacy it is proof that you do your Job and do it right. Now if you are playing on or with your phone or doing some dumb stuff then you might not want that box facing you why would anyone not want proof they were doing their job?
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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His backing is just as some one said throwing darts and as far as everything else I have no clue how he got his cdl. I am still with Usx and it pains me to say this student might need to find something other than trucking as a career he is 60 years old and I don't have a clue as to how to teach him in a way he will learn
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Hey y'all it is not just backing he has no idea of how to trip plan. Doesn't understand the 11 hour or 14 hour clocks no concept of logs. Could not find Cali in the atlas. If I don't tell him to stop for the 30 min break he would not every day the same thing. It is like he goes to bed at night and the next day is day one all over again
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Hmm to see how the truck is going to act I will try this thanks.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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That's what baffles me he has a cdl and no clue how to back I asked him how he passed the exam and he said they tested him at the school
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Hey all I have started training for my company I have had around 6 or 7 students all caught on and have upgraded to first seat drivers. A week ago I got a student that just doesn't seem to catch anything. I have tried to show him things like backing. He can do a straight back just fine however when I have him try to setup for a 45 or a 90 he has no concept of what the trailer is doing or which way to turn the wheel over a week practice for 7 hours one day and then a minimum of at least an hour a day and still just as bad as day 1. I hate to say it but I have no idea how to handle this student any thoughts anyone
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Becoming a trainer how much experience do you need
Hey everyone thanks for all the feed back and I will post on how it's going for me I will take the trainer class next week
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Becoming a trainer how much experience do you need
I got my Cdl 2 years ago and decided that U S Express was going to be my first company. What I got was probably not the best trainer but I did learn to handle the pressure and stress of life on the road. I was not shown the proper way of doing things for the company so in turn my first few months on the road was full of disappointment and disaster not to mention very tiny pay checks. I was getting ready to quit and go back to fishing when I met a husband and wife team that had been with the company for several years and asked how they managed to make it. They had the knowledge that I didn't get from my trainer and were willing to talk me through my problems over the phone and it took about 15 or 20 phone calls. Then my pay went up and I began to enjoy this. I decided that when I get the experience to become a trainer I will just because success is all in the way you are taught. Yes experience is the best teacher but you do need guidance when you are green or a new to something. Anyway I have been driving for 18 months and was wondering what's some ideas on how long you should drive before becoming a trainer my do has asked me if I would consider it
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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How do you feel about driver facing cameras?
Feel however you do but get in to a wreck prove your case however but video don't lie