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Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Family riders/passengers

Also most of the new truck stops are awesome with great buffets- just think, you don't have to go shopping for breakfast, lunch, or dinner( just snacks) and don't have to cook or do dishes. The life of royalty.

Yea, I posted for ALL the new drivers, or people looking into the industry, I wanted to clear up a few things and let them know that NOT everybody is judgeing them, and not everybody HATES driving truck, and CHILDREN enjoy the experience. Truck driving is just like any other job, IT IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT!!

One day my youngest son was with me, we were crossing the i40, several miles outside of Flagstaff. My boy was sitting there kinda quite, it bothered me a bit bcuz he's always in a GREAT mood. I asked him "What's wrong son?, you getting bored?, he replied " Heck no dad, I'm just chilling looking at everything outside the window, it feels good to be away from all the drama." I realized at that point that my kids really do enjoy being on the road for many different reasons, they get a chance to clear up their little minds, not worry about school, homework, chores, friends, girlfriends, ect. ect.

I should mention tho, I am home every single weekend, I only run the West. And I wouldn't advice raising children on a truck, but by all means, bring them along for the truck ride if they want!! For God's sake, stop being so selfish with your dam rig!!!

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Family riders/passengers

I'm a mother with ideas and I've seen children travel with the carnival and the circus and with truckers and I think they all do just fine.

Trucking truth is a very informative site (Thank you Brett! Btw) I remember back before I became a driver I used this site to educate myself bcuz as we all know, "Knowledge is power". Never thought about actually joining until now, this thread disgust me to say the least. And since everybody has an opinion on bringing along your children and spouse and so on so forth, here goes mine!!!

My boys love coming along with me from time to time, they love telling all their friends about the experience, the States they've been, all the different things they've seen, ect. ect!! Their friends are always extremely excited to check out my rig in the front yard, they get to understand what "sacrifice" is, "Hard work" is, we get to "Bond" , and there is plenty of room inside my truck!!!! We got satellite radio, high speed internet, PlayStation 4, flat screen TV, refrigerator, and the list of f***ing goodies goes on and on and on!!! Unlike some and fortunately for myself, I keep running and running so it's not like we're just sitting "bored" and "lonely" inside a truck full of spite and depression, on the verge of suicide or committing homicide LIKE SOME DRIVERS OUT THERE, YOU KNOW, THE ONES WHO DONT MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS, THEY CAN SEE YOU COMING FROM A MILE AWAY, THEYRE MISERY AND SELF PITTY ARE ALWAYS SEEKING TO DESTROY, THEY'RE PROBABLY FULL THROTTLE BEHIND YOU RIGHT NOW, OR MAYBE FINALLY SPEEDING UP (AFTER 5MILES @ 61MPH) NOW THAT YOU'VE DECIDED TO PASS THEM... EVERYBODY LIVES A DIFFERENT LIFE, EVERYBODY FEELS A DIFFERENT WAY, THE KEY TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY'S HAPPINESS IS TO NEVER WORRY ABOUT WHAT EVERYBODY THINKS, DO WHAT MAKES YOU ALL HAPPY!!!!! IT'S NOT ABOUT WHAT SOME DIRTY UNHAPPY JUDGMENTAL TRUCK DRIVER THINKS ABOUT YOU, ITS ALL ABOUT YOU AS A DRIVER YOURSELF ;)

I don't think DOT really cares about his many people are in a truck, just don't be overweight on your steers.. Cheers

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Family riders/passengers

I like this guys attitude about taking kids on the road with you and those other guys that oppose this idea are older, raised in a different generation, and out of touch.

Trucking truth is a very informative site (Thank you Brett! Btw) I remember back before I became a driver I used this site to educate myself bcuz as we all know, "Knowledge is power". Never thought about actually joining until now, this thread disgust me to say the least. And since everybody has an opinion on bringing along your children and spouse and so on so forth, here goes mine!!!

My boys love coming along with me from time to time, they love telling all their friends about the experience, the States they've been, all the different things they've seen, ect. ect!! Their friends are always extremely excited to check out my rig in the front yard, they get to understand what "sacrifice" is, "Hard work" is, we get to "Bond" , and there is plenty of room inside my truck!!!! We got satellite radio, high speed internet, PlayStation 4, flat screen TV, refrigerator, and the list of f***ing goodies goes on and on and on!!! Unlike some and fortunately for myself, I keep running and running so it's not like we're just sitting "bored" and "lonely" inside a truck full of spite and depression, on the verge of suicide or committing homicide LIKE SOME DRIVERS OUT THERE, YOU KNOW, THE ONES WHO DONT MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS, THEY CAN SEE YOU COMING FROM A MILE AWAY, THEYRE MISERY AND SELF PITTY ARE ALWAYS SEEKING TO DESTROY, THEY'RE PROBABLY FULL THROTTLE BEHIND YOU RIGHT NOW, OR MAYBE FINALLY SPEEDING UP (AFTER 5MILES @ 61MPH) NOW THAT YOU'VE DECIDED TO PASS THEM... EVERYBODY LIVES A DIFFERENT LIFE, EVERYBODY FEELS A DIFFERENT WAY, THE KEY TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY'S HAPPINESS IS TO NEVER WORRY ABOUT WHAT EVERYBODY THINKS, DO WHAT MAKES YOU ALL HAPPY!!!!! IT'S NOT ABOUT WHAT SOME DIRTY UNHAPPY JUDGMENTAL TRUCK DRIVER THINKS ABOUT YOU, ITS ALL ABOUT YOU AS A DRIVER YOURSELF ;)

I don't think DOT really cares about his many people are in a truck, just don't be overweight on your steers.. Cheers

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Family riders/passengers

I have seen fatal accidents with my child in the car just going to the store up the road 10 miles from the house right in town-one time we even saw a guy get ran over by a car just crossing the street and he rolled around under that car like a rag doll and when we went to help him afterward he was flipping his leg frontwards and backwards the wrong direction and wanting to know what had happened to his leg- he was severely messed up. And statistics say that most accidents happen in the cities not out on the road. Further more as far as Legos go-the kids 8 yrs and up play those on their on their XBoxes and Play Stations now (you can have those in your trucks). I haven't seen hardly any kids climbing trees or playing hide and seek or playing outside since the 80's in the city or the country at all. We only go to the lake and build sand castles 2 times a year and you can do that on your time off while trucking. I used to hike trucks for Penske as a vehicle component carrier and always took my two children with me-they liked coming with me and being with family is better for them than staying home and running down the road learning to huff paint, do drugs, and smoke cigarettes from the neighbors kids. You can take a bicycle and ride it or go for a nice walk or run when your truck stops after your 10 hours of driving are over, that is if your not cooking the books and driving more hours than is allowed. And I hope to see truck stops with exercise rooms for truckers in the near future and the kids could go too. They can get their education on the computer or iPad now too, just like Luke Skywalker on the Star Wars movie. A lot of homeschoolers educate their children this way now and they are at home learning. As a mother who has been on the road and raised children homeschooling I say YES to taking your children on the road and It is just as safe. Spending time with family is the most important thing of all.

I sincerely apologize for sacrificing some sleep to answer your question last night. It's the truth, you shouldn't bring your kids. What do you remember mostly about childhood when you were growing up? I remember Legos, video games, hide and seek, climbing trees, going on slides and making sand castles on the lake. If you bring your child with you, what will they remember? What will be their memory when they are grown up.

In a way, you're right about not taking your kids to avoid seeing those fatal accidents. What are the odds that you'll stumble upon that kind of scene? But you have to think about the kid. What's best for him. I know you're lonely on the road but that doesn't mean you need to drag someone else in there also.

How long have you been living inside of a truck? You're completely blind to just how small the living space is.

And by the way, I remember Brett talking about why not to bring kids with you in trucking. So I'm pretty sure he agrees with me. Trucking is a great job but with every job there are downsides to it. I'm apologetic that I accidentally pointed a negative side of trucking to such a sensitive and fragile man such as yourself. I should have just handed you rainbows.

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