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Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Thanks so much for all of the feedback! I take the dreaded greyhound out Sunday night from Austin to Springfield...if I survive the potential knife fights and drug traffickers I start on Tuesday! Awesome news about the no pressure to lease situation. I applied to Trans-Am and quickly turned down their offer based on posts I had read from current and former drivers. The dog fee is pretty steep, but come on, it's my dog! She'll keep my wife company till she gets her CDL in February. I heard from my recruiter that I'll be blue to train her after only 3 months with the company. Hope that's close to true...I might actually have her do half with a more seasoned trainer before I get her, but we'll see. Im only considering flatbed because they offered regional position (home every 2 weeks) and that would be nice. My most recent job was as a driver for a moving company so I'm no slouch and am used to hard work. Thanks again everybody! I'll hit u up if any questions come about, but it sounds like everything is on the up and up...
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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So I recently obtained my Cdl and I've accepted an invitation to orientation at Prime. Cool. I've read so many posts my eyes are burning and I'm numb...but this is where I am... My wife supports me and her brother is staying with her till she gets her Cdl and gets on the road with me. They accept dogs, killer, and I'm coming to terms with the time away from home. I'll run flatbed, not because I necessarily want to, but because I'll be routed home more often and that's important to me. I'm anxious and nervous but excited. I hope this is something that can become more than a career for me but I'm cautious. I'll refuse to lease a truck, EVEN IF IT SOUNDS AMAZING, EVEN IF THEY SAY IM A FOOL NOT TO. There will be plenty of time to change my mind. I've owned a business before, it was no walk in the park. Everybody seems to ask a lot of questions to the forum their recruiters should have answered. Everybody seems to want the world before they've even dipped their toes into the water. We've all been blessed with a chance to earn a living and have a shot at greatness. Let's get out there and make our families proud! Prime may or may not be the best deal going but it's an experience. A lot of us were searching craigslist for retail and construction jobs not 3 months ago. Never again!!!!!
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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That's really encouraging, and also incredibly true. Im well aware of the haters and let myself get caught up in the negativity from time to time. But I know better, it's good to hear from someone real that the energy you put into something is manifested in your return. theres a long list of companies on this site willing to hear me out and I won't be prejudice based on forum posts or reviews. I'll work my ass off, prove myself and get what I give. Everyone else can just *****!
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Thank yo Old School...your response calmed me a little...I am encouraged by the list, I have looked at it a lot. Guess I'm just nervous to get turned down by 'best bets.' But I shouldn't be. I'm sure I'll find my place somewhere!
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Good call. (On being up front). I applied to Werner today to test the waters. I disclosed everything and just put out the comment because of the adrenaline involved in trying to get hired and being potentially turned down. I have a couple of tickets as well so it's a lot of negatives to disclose within the first conversation with somebody you want to work for. I completed the probation 9 years ago FYI so it's not like I'm trying to cover something up. Non disclosures are a legit legal process, as legit as defensive driving for class c drivers. Furthermore, Texas defines deferred adjudication as "a form of probation where the defendant's conviction is deferred until the completion of the probation period. If the defendant successfully completes the probation, the case will be dismissed." Again, I thank you for your advice.
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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I have a 10 year old felony that was set as deferred adjudication. I completed the probation and the case was dropped...or so I had hoped. It seems that companies consider these types of cases convictions if there was ever probation involved. Luckily...I see that many companies will take felons as long as the conviction is 5, 7 or 10 years old. My crime was for having an adderall in my pocket. Do you think I will be unhirable because it is a form of amphetamine? I am still in Cdl school and I don't want to ruin my chances if I should take the extra few months (and $$) to get a non-disclosure.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Accepted to Prime
I asked several times in various ways and Was repeatedly told I would be able to trim her after three months...but it kind of blew my mind. That's why I even suggested in my earlier post I would likely send her off with an experienced trainer either way. But 40,000 miles is extreme considering we would both be OTR and likely wouldn't link up for months. If that were the case I would consider looking into a slightly less rigorous training program with a different company To team drive with. Of coarse, if we want to do it right....I would want her to get as much training as possible so that she will be prepared for the challenges I can only imagine we will be up against on the treacherous US highways, docks and city streets. I don't know guys, guess I'll play it by ear. We've been inseparable for 10 years now and will probably do anything we can to be in a truck driving together as soon as possible. Hopefully we make good decisions and don't let impatience and loneliness get in the way too badly!!!