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In CDL School
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Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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I got in a 1/4 mile at CDL school today. Offset parking and such. Our trailers are full of sailboat fuel also.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Looking to run a refrigerator. What power inverter would I need?
Check this out https://youtu.be/EJ6KopjNaP8
Washing clothes in the truck
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Looking to run a refrigerator. What power inverter would I need?
This is info regarding Bestech 400 watt continuous inverter " If the power of AC appliance charged exceeds 150W, please use the battery clamps to connect". 150 watts is the Redline and is probably true for most inverters . 12 volt coolers pull around 48 watts and lower temps 40 degrees from ambient. Bottom line is need and money (yours). Me personally I like something like this : Keep your foods and drinks chilled or frozen while traveling with the EdgeStar 43 Quart 12V DC Portable Fridge/Freezer (FP430). For ultimate portability, the EdgeStar 43 quart portable compact refrigerator freezer runs off standard household voltage, or easily connects to the cigarette lighter outlet in your car. This portable refrigerator freezer features a full range digital thermostat that is adjustable from -8 to 50 degrees F and will hold a stable temperature under most conditions. The FP430 may be powered via AC (0.75A) or DC (5.4A @ 12V DC / 2.7A @ 24 DC) power and comes with cables for both applications. This portable refrigerator freezer is great for boaters, campers, hunters, medical transportation/storage, recreational vehicles, cabins and all your outdoor applications. Costs over $400. I like freezers and microwaves . Handy 12-volt portable stove Warms food to 300 degrees Can be used to heat most kinds of pre-cooked food Plugs into most 12V lighter-type sockets Ideal for stews, beans, chops, rice meals, hot dishes/goulash and more. From Amazon $40 Or: Power Hunt High-Performance 12-Volt Portable Microwaves are designed to look better as well as perform better to help you eat healthy while traveling. The "New" Power Hunt Wave Box has an unmatched 660 Watts of power and runs directly on a 12-volt battery.
RoadTrucker only brings you the top-quality 12-volt microwaves from Power Hunt, which you can use in any situations from power outages to life on the road. These microwaves let you cook in minutes using your 12 Volt Vehicle's battery.
What's the 12 Volt secret? Power Hunt products use a patented high capacity plug and socket that hooks directly to the battery, bypassing the lighter plug's low power weakness .
Great for truckers, campers, boaters, even green homes and disaster relief operations. Happy cooking Jim Its all about the money !!
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Looking to run a refrigerator. What power inverter would I need?
Amperage X volts = Watts Pay attention to continuous watts on the inverter if u go that route Get the biggest inverter u can afford and use
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Best Cell Company for OTR drivers?
T-Mobile is also known as T-Maybe
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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My experiences starting a new career in trucking, Houston Texas
I find ur story interesting also. FYI- Monday starts my 2nd week at CDL school and its been grand so far. I have put out a couple feelers so far and actually had a recruiter from Stevens call me this morning. Keep on posting plz !!
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Thank U Rainy , U R a wealth of knowledge !!
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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I just soled in May. I'm loving it so far. The lightweight truck situation for me was going to take a week to a week and a half. I was told that trainers and teams have first dibs. With that being said though, I'm happy with my lightweight, (baby truck) and the money in my pocket. Even if offered a full-size right now I'd stay lightweight.
Specifics on lightweight and full size trucks please. This is the first I have heard of two classes of trucks on the road. I am guessing the full size has more living space . Is that about it?
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Swift In Cab Camera
Driver said "If I wanted to live in a country that does not value our rights, I would move to Russia. This is what makes america great and different from other countries. I don't own a firearm and personally would lIke all of them to be confiscated from the USA because the are "unsafe", but will fight for anything that restricts guns, because it is our constitutional right."
Driver , other than a trigger problem Remington had a while back on the 700 (corrected now). Guns are safe.